> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 1:02 AM


Yes, include ECB.  I have used it continuously since I first
tried it.

> I've also started working on a Java-based netinstaller for 
> the JDE that would download and uncompress the JDE and all 
> its required packages and set up your .emacs file. I might 
> even include installing Emacs itself (on Windows) and cygwin 
> as netinstaller options.

This sounds fantastic, especially if it removes the following type
of dialog from this list:

   User: JDE doesn't work.  Here are the libs I'm using ...
   Paul: You have the wrong libraries.  RTFM.  That's what TFM
         is for and why I take the time to write good docs.

It's not just a burden on people who don't read the notes, it's a 
burden on Paul (psychic'ly more than time-wise?).

I think the ability to automatically installer/upgrade is one of the 
technical advantages to free software, and it should be leveraged
to a greater extent.  A Java library that can keep track of 
dependencies and download upgrades sounds like a very useful
contribution, especially if it is extensible to other applications.

Plus, it sounds like fun ...

BTW, there's a decent discussion of shared libraries on Slashdot 
this morning ...


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