I am having a problem with ant, emacs and cygwin.  I'm trying to restart tomcat as a 
part of my build process, but after tomcat is restarted, it doesn't return control to 
ant, and in turn emacs.  Here are more details:

I have my build.xml file restarting tomcat with this target:

<target name="tomcat" depends="compile"> 
        <exec dir="${src}" executable="c:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe">
                <arg line="c:/service/tomcat/bin/restart.ksh"/>

However, my restart.ksh script, which only consists of two commands (shutdown.bat and 
startup.bat), hangs after it invokes startup.bat.  Here is the compilation buffer:

cd c:/itsv3/Web-inf/classes/prj.el
ant -Dc:/itsv3/Web-inf/classes/SetSymbolList.java-buildfile build.xml tomcat 
Buildfile: build.xml

    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\itsv3\Web-inf\classes

     [exec] Including all jars in c:\service\tomcat\lib in your CLASSPATH.
     [exec] Using CLASSPATH: 
     [exec] Stop tomcat
     [exec] Including all jars in c:\service\tomcat\lib in your CLASSPATH.
     [exec] Using CLASSPATH: 
     [exec] Starting Tomcat in new window
... here it is waiting for me to close the new window that Tomcat started.  After I 
shutdown ant, then this will appear:
     [exec] Result: 1


Total time: 8 minutes 16 seconds

Compilation exited abnormally with code 131072 at Mon Jun 25 15:23:52

What can I change so that after startup.bat is invoked, it returns control to ant and 
then in turn to emacs?

thanks in advance

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