Title: RE: Turning off mouse hooks on ECB

        I'm using the latest official version, 1.32.

        I'll check the toggle-visibility command and the latest version; but I think I really want to keep using deactivate in order to remove the mouse and frame hooks. They don't make sense when you're doing non-code related activities (like working in the shell, playing with dired, e-mail, etc.)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Berndl, Klaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 11:33 AM
> To: Abousalh-Neto, Nascif [NCRTP:3S60:EXCH]; 'JDE'; 'ECB-Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Turning off mouse hooks on ECB
> First: I will inspect the code carefully where not a cleanup
> is done because this should
> be done otherwise it is a bug.

> But second: Which version of ecb you are using? I suppose
> something <= 1.32?! Ok, latest 1.40beta2 version
> which is available via CVS has a lot of improvements: here is
> the HISTORY-file.
> You see, there are menus, keybindings, minor-modes etc. AND
> there is a toggle-visibilty-ecb-windows command.
> Therefore you should not activate/deactivate ECB but only
> toggle the visibility of the ecb-windows. But this works
> only with latest 1.40beta2. maybe we should realease soon 1.40?!

> Klaus

> Version 1.40:
> -------------

> - New advice for 'other-window-for-scrolling', so all
> scroll-functions for the
>   "other" window can also scroll the first edit-window if
> point stays in the
>   second one. (Klaus)

> - ecb-toggle-ecb-windows now preserves the split, the
> split-amount, the buffer
>   contents, the window starts and current point. (Klaus)

> - Some important changes in the ECB-layout concerning
> displaying compilation-
>   and temp-buffers. (Klaus):

>   + 'ecb-select-compile-window' has been gone.
>   + 'ecb-use-dedicated-windows' is not longer a
> user-customizable option but
>     it is always set to t, because this is essential for
> correct working of
>     the ecb-layout engine!

>   + 'ecb-compile-window-temporally-enlarge' is now a boolean option. 

>   + Now ECB does all necessary that your edit-window of ECB
> seems to be a
>     normal Emacs frame, especially concerning displaying
> temp-buffers (like
>     help- and completion-buffers) and compilation-buffers.
>   + The variables 'compilation-window-height' and
> 'temp-buffer-shrink-to-fit'
>     (XEmacs) and 'temp-buffer-resize-mode' (GNU Emacs) are
> now fully supported
>     by ECB if no durable compilation-window is shown.

> - New function to toggle visibility of the ECB windows. Now
> itīs possible to
>   hide all ECB windows without deactivating ECB (see
> 'ecb-toggle-ecb-windows')
>   (Klaus).

> - ECB is now a global minor mode with itīs own menu "ECB" and
> itīs own keymap
>   with prefix "C-c .". New function to (de)activate/toggle ECB with
>   'ecb-minor-mode'. (Klaus)

> - Fixed a bug in highlighting current token in the method-buffer when
>   font-lock-mode is nil for the source-buffer. (Klaus)

> - New option for highlighting the method-header in the
> edit-window after
>   clicking onto the method in the method-window (like
> Speedbar does). (Klaus)

> - Function for automatically submitting a problem report to
> the ECB mailing
>   list: ecb-submit-problem-report. (Klaus)

> - Now not only for method-highlighting an idle delay can be
> set but also for
>   synchronizing the ECB windows with current edit window (see option
>   ecb-window-sync and ecb-window-sync-delay; default is 0.25
> sec delay)
>   (Klaus).

> - Smarter highlighting of current method (Klaus).

> - All tree-buffers now have as default-directory the current selected
>   directory in the directory buffer. So you can also open
> files with find-file
>   etc. from within the tree-buffers. (Klaus).

>  Hi,
>     I've been using ECB a lot w/ JDE. Typically I activate
> and deactivate it many times during an Emacs session (to take
> a better look at shell buffers, dired windows, etc.), and
> have even created keybinds for that (below).

>     The problem is, ecb-deactivate don't seem to do a
> complete clean-up, specially in the mouse hooks. After I
> activate/deactivate ECB I start to have very strange mouse
> (the so called "jump to right destination" behavior, I
> believe) and frame (popping up) behavior.

>     Is there anyway to configure ECB to *really* deactivate
> the additional mouse/frame behavior?

>     Regards,
>         Nascif

> ;; ECB keybindings
> (global-set-key "\C-cea" 'ecb-activate)
> (global-set-key "\C-ced" 'ecb-deactivate)
> (global-set-key "\C-ceu" 'ecb-update-directories-buffer)
> (global-set-key "\C-cec" 'ecb-current-buffer-sync)
> (global-set-key "\C-cem" 'ecb-rebuild-methods-buffer)
> (global-set-key "\C-cel" 'ecb-redraw-layout)
> (global-set-key "\C-cec" 'ecb-clear-history)
> (global-set-key "\C-ceh" 'ecb-show-help)

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