Hi Eric,

To accommodate users who want a minimal JDE, i.e., no parsing of files or
anything that depends on it, I have tried to make the loading of semantic,
senator, and eldoc optional. I have done this in the latest beta by
invoking the require funciton for these packages dynamically. I'd prefer to
keep it this way rather than put unconditional requires for semantic,
senator, and eldoc in the JDE sources. I don't know what version of the JDE
you have so I can't tell whether my code for dynamically loading these
packages does not work on your setup.

- Paul

At 12:08 PM 8/5/2001 -0700, Eric D. Friedman wrote:
>I haven't ever seriously used jde-complete b/c it didn't quite work
>(Xemacs, linux) and I could be bothered to find out why.  Well, I
>finally looked closer and believe I've found the reason.  
>The problem was that it wouldn't cycle through the possible completions:
>instead it would emit a not-very-useful stub which I would then have
>to edit.  Also, it complained about an eldoc function not being defined.
>java.util.List l = new ArrayList();
>l.i[M-x jde-complete-at-point] ===> l.indexOf(java.lang.Object : int);
>&& a message about problems with eldoc.
>The jde-complete.el source has this in it:
>;;jde-eldoc for completion signatures
>(eval-when-compile (require 'eldoc)
>                   (require 'senator))
>This makes it possible to compile jde-complete.el to jde-complete.elc.
>BUT, there's no runtime (require 'eldoc) anywhere in the JDE.  Since I
>don't use eldoc (which is part of (x)emacs) in any of my other emacs
>stuff, eldoc never gets loaded, and jde-complete's references to eldoc
>code do not work.  Hence, jde-complete does not work.
>I don't know much about eval-when-compile, but I'm guessing that it
>does get evaluated when you load jde-complete from the .el file 
>(as opposed to a byte-compiled .elc file).  If this is true, it would
>explain why this code might work for those who do not byte compile the
>JDE, yet fail for those who do.  [I'm speculating - I haven't looked into
>this at all.]
>At any rate, since semantic is a requirement for the JDE and since eldoc
>is part of (x)emacs, I propose dropping the 'eval-when-compile' bit and
>just having plain old 
>(require 'eldoc)
>(require 'senator)
>With this minor change, jde-complete works as advertised and has become
>a very handy tool!

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