: 2.3 there is the concept of a Web Application.  Specifically a collection of
: files distributed as a WAR - which is just a jar with a given directory
: structure.

WAR files predate 2.3.  The new thing in 2.3 is the isolation of the
WAR classloader from the loader used by the app server.  This is valuable
b/c a WAR might have a version of, say, an XML parser that conflicts with
the one used by the servlet container.  The requirement in 2.3 that the
WAR loader not pick up classes from the container will fix this, in
most cases.

: The cool thing is the automatic class loading.  Any file within WEB-INF/class
: or any .jar files in WEB-INF/lib are automatically used by it's classloader.
: We could do something like this for the JDE... IE load all files in PROJECT/l

That's what the DCL does today, using values defined in elisp.
It's arguably better than the WAR mechanism b/c it doesn't require
everything to be in arranged in a predetermined layout.  The improvement
I'm suggesting is that it support runtime modifications to the classpath
it searches for loadable classes.  Now *that* would be cool (and easy
to do).


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