To: list
--text follows this line--

Please enter the details of your bug report here


I'm getting a computer set up for JDEE work but its been a few months since
I've spent time with JDEE.  I'm using NTEmacs on 2000 and I'm fairly
confident I've installed the latest versions of the required modules.

I think there's a problem with a configuration setting that's causing
problems for cygwin when I compile for I get:

cd ~/work/clients/docent/tasks/courses/classes/
d:\jdk1.3.1\bin\javac -classpath
"d:/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/rt.jar" -verbose -target 1.2
/usr/bin/bash: d:jdk1.3.1binjavac: command not found

Compilation exited abnormally with code 127 at Sun Jan 13 12:06:16

I'm obviously no Emacs guru, so any help pointing in the right direction
would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
Keith  G.

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 20.7.1 (i386-*-nt5.0.2195)
 of Tue Jun 13 2000 on buffy
Package: JDE version 2.2.8

current state:
 jde-gen-session-bean-template '("(jde-import-insert-imports-into-buffer
(list \"javax.ejb.*\"\n\"java.rmi.RemoteException\"))"
"(jde-wiz-update-implements-clause \"SessionBean\")" "'> \"public void
ejbActivate() throws RemoteException {\"'>'n \"}\"'>'n\n'>'n" "'> \"public
void ejbPassivate() throws RemoteException {\"'>'n \"}\"'>'n\n'>'n" "'>
\"public void ejbRemove() throws RemoteException {\"'>'n \"}\"'>'n '>'n" "'>
\"public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) throws\nRemoteException
{\"" "'>'n \"}\"'>'n '>'n" "'> \"public void unsetSessionContext() throws
RemoteException {\"'>'n\n\"}\"'>'n '>'n'>")
 jde-gen-beep '("(end-of-line) '&"
 jde-project-name "default"
 jde-which-method-format '("[" jde-which-method-current "]")
 jde-run-classic-mode-vm nil
 jde-complete-unique-method-names nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-nodeprecatedlist nil
 jde-which-method-max-length 20
 jde-package-search-classpath-variables '(jde-compile-option-classpath
 jde-imenu-include-classdef t
 jde-javadoc-gen-link-online nil
 jde-gen-code-templates '(("Get Set Pair" . jde-gen-get-set)
                          ("toString method" . jde-gen-to-string-method)
                          ("Action Listener" . jde-gen-action-listener)
                          ("Window Listener" . jde-gen-window-listener)
                          ("Mouse Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-listener)
                          ("Mouse Motion Listener" .
                          ("Inner Class" . jde-gen-inner-class)
                          ("println" . jde-gen-println)
                          ("beep" . jde-gen-beep)
                          ("property change support" .
                          ("EJB Entity Bean" . jde-gen-entity-bean)
                          ("EJB Session Bean" . jde-gen-session-bean))
 jde-gen-cflow-else '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"else\")"
                      "'(l '> \"else \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                      "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} // end of else\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-make-args ""
 jde-javadoc-gen-destination-directory "JavaDoc"
 jde-mode-line-format '("-" mode-line-mule-info mode-line-modified
                        mode-line-buffer-identification "   "
                        global-mode-string "   %[(" mode-name
                        mode-line-process minor-mode-alist "%n" ")%]--"
                        (line-number-mode "L%l--")
                        (column-number-mode "C%c--") (-3 . "%p")
                         ("--" jde-which-method-format "--"))
 jde-mode-abbreviations '(("ab" . "abstract") ("bo" . "boolean")
                          ("br" . "break") ("by" . "byte") ("byv" . "byvalue")
                          ("cas" . "cast") ("ca" . "catch") ("ch" . "char")
                          ("cl" . "class") ("co" . "const")
                          ("con" . "continue") ("de" . "default")
                          ("dou" . "double") ("el" . "else")
                          ("ex" . "extends") ("fa" . "false") ("fi" . "final")
                          ("fin" . "finally") ("fl" . "float") ("fo" . "for")
                          ("fu" . "future") ("ge" . "generic") ("go" . "goto")
                          ("impl" . "implements") ("impo" . "import")
                          ("ins" . "instanceof") ("in" . "int")
                          ("inte" . "interface") ("lo" . "long")
                          ("na" . "native") ("ne" . "new") ("nu" . "null")
                          ("pa" . "package") ("pri" . "private")
                          ("pro" . "protected") ("pu" . "public")
                          ("re" . "return") ("sh" . "short") ("st" . "static")
                          ("su" . "super") ("sw" . "switch")
                          ("sy" . "synchronized") ("th" . "this")
                          ("thr" . "throw") ("throw" . "throws")
                          ("tra" . "transient") ("tr" . "true")
                          ("vo" . "void") ("vol" . "volatile")
                          ("wh" . "while"))
 jde-imenu-enable t
 jde-compile-option-verbose t
 jde-db-option-heap-size '((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes"))
 jde-bug-debugger-host-address "KEITH"
 jde-complete-add-space-after-method nil
 jde-make-working-directory ""
 jde-bug-breakpoint-marker-colors '("red" . "yellow")
 jde-wiz-show-report t
 jde-javadoc-gen-use nil
 jde-gen-buffer-boilerplate nil
 jde-bug-raise-frame-p t
 jde-db-option-application-args nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-nonavbar nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-nohelp nil
 jde-bug-vm-includes-jpda-p nil
 jde-gen-jfc-app-buffer-template '("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function)"
                                   "\"import java.awt.Dimension;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.Graphics;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.Graphics2D;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.Color;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;\" '>'n" 
java.awt.event.WindowEvent;\" '>'n" "\"import javax.swing.JFrame;\" '>'n"
"\"import javax.swing.JPanel;\" '>'n" "\"import javax.swing.JScrollPane;\"
'>'n" "\"import javax.swing.JMenuBar;\" '>'n" "\"import javax.swing.JMenu;\"
'>'n" "\"import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;\" '>'n" "\"import
javax.swing.AbstractAction;\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\" * \""
"(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n"
"\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" * @author <a
href=\\\"mailto:\"; (eval user-mail-address) \"\\\">\" (user-full-name)
\"</a>\"'>'n" "\" * @version\" '>'n" "\" */\" '>'n" "'>'n" "\"public class
\"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
"\" extends JFrame\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"class
Canvas extends JPanel\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"public Canvas () \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"setSize(getPreferredSize());\" '>'n"
"\"Canvas.this.setBackground(Color.white);\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n"
"\"public Dimension getPreferredSize() \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"return new Dimension(600, 600);\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n"
"\"public void paintComponent(Graphics g) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
"'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"super.paintComponent(g);\" '>'n" "\"Graphics2D g2d =
(Graphics2D) g;\" '>'n" "\"Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(0d, 0d,
100d, 100d);\" '>'n" "\"g2d.setColor(;\" '>'n"
"\"g2d.translate(10, 10);\" '>'n" "\"g2d.draw(circle);\" '>'n"
"\"g2d.fill(circle);\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n " "\"}\"'>'n '>'n" "\"public \""
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
"\"()\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"super(\\\"\" (P
\"Enter app title: \") \"\\\");\" '>'n" "\"setSize(300, 300);\" '>'n"
"\"addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}\"
'>'n" "\"public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}\" '>'n" "\"});\"'>'n"
"\"setJMenuBar(createMenu());\" '>'n" "\"getContentPane().add(new
JScrollPane(new Canvas()));\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "'>'n" "\"public static void
main(String[] args) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n"
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" f
= new \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory
buffer-file-name))" "\"();\" '>'n" "\";\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n"
"\"protected JMenuBar createMenu() \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();\" '>'n" "\"JMenu menu = new
JMenu(\\\"File\\\");\" '>'n" "\"menu.add(new AbstractAction(\\\"Exit\\\")
\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"System.exit(0);\" '>'n" "\"}\" '>'n" "\"});\" '>'n"
"\"mb.add(menu);\" '>'n" "\"return mb;\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n " "\"} // \"'>"
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
 jde-log-max 500
 jde-bug-key-bindings '(("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-step-over)
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-step-into)
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-step-into-all)
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-step-out)
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-continue)
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-toggle-breakpoint))
 jde-compile-finish-hook '(jde-compile-finish-refresh-speedbar
 jde-compile-option-nowarn nil
 jde-setnu-mode-threshold 20000
 jde-wiz-get-set-variable-prefix "arg"
 jde-run-java-vm-w "javaw"
 jde-package-default-package-comment "// Default package used"
 jde-package-load-hook nil
 jde-compile-option-encoding nil
 jde-run-option-java-profile '(nil . "./")
 bsh-startup-timeout 10
 jde-bug-jpda-directory ""
 jde-read-compile-args nil
 jde-run-java-vm "d:\\jdk1.3.1\\bin\\java"
 jde-wiz-set-javadoc-template '("/**" "* Sets the value of %n" "*"
                                "* @param %p Value to assign to this.%n" "*/")
 jde-db-option-verbose '(nil nil nil)
 jde-which-method-class-min-length 4
 jde-db-read-app-args nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-nodeprecated nil
 jde-run-option-heap-profile '(nil "./java.hprof" 5 20 "Allocation objects")
 jde-gen-cflow-else-if '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
                         "'(l '> \"else if (\" (p \"else-if-clause: \" clause) \") \"" 
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} // end of else if (\" (s
clause) \")\"'> n)" ")")
 jde-gen-println '("(end-of-line) '&"
                   "\"System.out.println(\" (P \"Print out: \") \");\" '>'n'>")
 jde-enable-abbrev-mode t
 bsh-vm-args nil
 jde-import-collapse-imports-threshold 0
 jde-auto-parse-max-buffer-size 50000
 jde-gen-cflow-main '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"main\")"
                      "'(l '> \"public static void main (String[] args) \""
                      "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n"
                      "\"} // end of main ()\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-javadoc-exception-tag-template "\"* @exception \" type \" if an error
 jde-global-classpath nil
 jde-find-file-regexp '("*.java")
 jde-gen-window-listener-template '("(end-of-line) '& (P \"Window name: \")"
                                    "\".addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() \"" "(if 
jde-gen-k&r "
"()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"" "'>'n \"public void
windowClosed(WindowEvent e)\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"'>'n \"}\"" "'>'n \"public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n \"System.exit(0);\" '>'n \"}\""
"'>'n \"public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
"()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n \"}\"" "'>'n \"public void
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n \"}\"" "'>'n \"public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n \"}\"" "'>'n \"public
void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n \"}\"" "'>'n \"});\" '>'n'>")
 jde-run-working-directory ""
 jde-gen-property-change-support '("(end-of-line) '&"
                                   "\"protected PropertyChangeSupport pcs =  new
PropertyChangeSupport(this);\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Adds a
PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.\" '>'n" "\"* The listener is
registered for all properties.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n" "\"* @param listener The
PropertyChangeListener to be added\" '>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n" "\"public void
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\"
'>'n" "\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.\" '>'n"
"\"* This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered for all
properties.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n " "\"* @param listener The
PropertyChangeListener to be removed\" '>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n" "\"public void
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"'>\"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n"
"\"/**\" '>'n\"* Adds a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.\"
'>'n" "\"* The listener will be invoked only when a call on
firePropertyChange\" '>'n" "\"* names that specific property.\" '>'n" "\"*\"
'>'n \"* @param propertyName The name of the property to listen on\" '>'n"
"\"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added\" '>'n \"*/\"
'>'n" "\"public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,\" '>'n"
"\"PropertyChangeListener listener) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);\"
'>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener for
a specific property.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n \"* @param propertyName The name of
the property that was listened on\" '>'n" "\"* @param listener The
PropertyChangeListener to be removed\" '>'n \"*/\" '>'n" "\"public void
removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,\" '>'n"
"\"PropertyChangeListener listener) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName,
listener);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n\"* Reports a bound property
update to any registered listeners. \" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old
and new are equal and non-null.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n \"* @param propertyName
The programmatic name of the property that was changed\" '>'n" "\"* @param
oldValue The old value of the property\" '>'n" "\"* @param newValue The new
value of the property.\" '>'n \"*/\" '>'n" "\"public void
firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>
\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" '>'n \"}\"
'>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n\"* Reports a bound property update to any
registered listeners. \" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are
equal and non-null.\" '>'n" "\"* This is merely a convenience wrapper around
the more general\" '>'n" "\"* firePropertyChange method that takes Object
values.\" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and
non-null.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n \"* @param propertyName The programmatic name
of the property that was changed\" '>'n" "\"* @param oldValue The old value
of the property\" '>'n" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the
property.\" '>'n \"*/\" '>'n" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String
propertyName, int oldValue, int newValue) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
"'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue,
newValue);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n\"* Reports a bound property
update to any registered listeners. \" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old
and new are equal and non-null.\" '>'n" "\"* This is merely a convenience
wrapper around the more general\" '>'n" "\"* firePropertyChange method that
takes Object values.\" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal
and non-null.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n \"* @param propertyName The programmatic
name of the property that was changed\" '>'n" "\"* @param oldValue The old
value of the property\" '>'n" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the
property.\" '>'n \"*/\" '>'n" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String
propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
"()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName,
oldValue, newValue);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n\"* Fires an
existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.\" '>'n" "\"* No
event is fired if the given event's old and new values are equal and
non-null. \" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n \"* @param evt The PropertyChangeEvent
object.\" '>'n\"*/\" '>'n" "\"public void
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
"'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.firePropertyChange(evt);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n
'>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n\"* Checks if there are any listeners for a specific
property.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n \"* @param evt The PropertyChangeEvent
object.\" '>'n" "\"* @return <code>true</code>if there are one or more
listeners for the given property\" '>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n" "\"public boolean
hasListeners(String propertyName) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"return pcs.hasListeners(propertyName);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n
 jde-javadoc-describe-interface-template "\"* Describe interface \"
(jde-javadoc-code name) \" here.\""
 jde-imenu-include-signature t
 jde-db-marker-regexp "^.*: thread=.*,
\\(\\(.*[.]\\)*\\)\\([^$]*\\)\\($.*\\)*[.].+(), line=\\([0-9]*\\),"
 jde-gen-mouse-motion-listener-template '("(end-of-line) '& (P \"Component
name: \")" "\".addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>" "'>'n \"public void
mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"}\"'>" "'>'n \"public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r
" "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>" "'>'n \"});\"'>'n'>")
 jde-key-bindings '(("[? ? ?]" . jde-run-menu-run-applet)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-build)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-compile)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-debug) ("[? ? ?]" . jde-find)
                    ("[? ? ?i]" . jde-wiz-implement-interface)
                    ("[? ? ?j]" . jde-javadoc-generate-javadoc-template)
                    ("[? ? ?
]" . bsh)
                    ("[? ? ?\f]" . jde-gen-println)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-browse-jdk-doc)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-save-project)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-wiz-update-class-list)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-run)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . speedbar-frame-mode)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-db-menu-debug-applet)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-help-symbol)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-open-class-source)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-import-find-and-import)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-run-etrace-prev)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-run-etrace-next)
                    ("[(control c) (control v) (control ?.)]" .
                    ("[(control c) (control v) ?.]" . jde-complete-at-point))
 jde-gen-cflow-for-i '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"fori\")"
                       "'(l '> \"for (int \" (p \"variable: \" var) \" = 0; \"" "(s 
"\" < \"(p \"upper bound: \" ub)\"; \" (s var) \"++) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
"()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} // end of for (int \" (s var) \" = 0;
\"" "(s var) \" < \" (s ub) \"; \" (s var) \"++)\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-run-option-classpath nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-detail-switch '("-protected")
 jde-bug-sio-connect-delay 1
 jde-javadoc-param-tag-template "\"* @param \" name \" \" (jde-javadoc-a
type)\n \" \" (jde-javadoc-code type) \" value\""
 jde-compile-option-verbose-path nil
 jde-javadoc-display-doc t
 jde-imenu-modifier-abbrev-alist '(("public" . 43) ("protected" . 177)
                                   ("private" . 172) ("static" . 2215)
                                   ("transient" . 35) ("volatile" . 126)
                                   ("abstract" . 170) ("final" . 182)
                                   ("native" . 36) ("synchronized" . 64)
                                   ("strictfp" . 37))
 jde-db-debugger '("jdb" "" . "Executable")
 jde-wiz-get-javadoc-template '("/**" "* Gets the value of %n" "*"
                                "* @return the value of %n" "*/")
 jde-jdk-doc-url "";
 jde-gen-comments t
 jde-gen-cflow-enable t
 jde-compiler "d:\\jdk1.3.1\\bin\\javac"
 jde-javadoc-gen-verbose nil
 jde-javadoc-describe-method-template "\"* Describe \" (jde-javadoc-code
name) \" method here.\""
 jde-gen-class-buffer-template '("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function)"
                                 "\"/**\" '>'n" "\" * \""
                                 "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) '>'n" "\" 
*\" '>'n" "\" *\"
'>'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" *
@author <a href=\\\"mailto:\"; (eval user-mail-address) \"\\\">\"
(user-full-name) \"</a>\"'>'n" "\" * @version\" '>'n" "\" */\" '>'n'" "'>'n"
"\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory
buffer-file-name))" "\" \" (jde-gen-get-extend-class)" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
"()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" ()\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
"()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'p'n" "\"}\">" "'>'n"
"(jde-gen-get-interface-implementation)" "'>'n" "\"}\">" "\"// \""
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
 jde-javadoc-checker-level 'protected
 jde-appletviewer-option-vm-args nil
 jde-run-executable-args nil
 jde-db-option-garbage-collection '(t t)
 jde-javadoc-gen-stylesheetfile ""
 jde-use-font-lock t
 jde-gen-cflow-for-iter '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)"
                          "'(l \"foriter\")"
                          "'(l '> \"for (Iterator \" (p \"variable: \" var) \" = \"" 
\"collection: \" coll) \".iterator(); \"" "(s var) \".hasNext();\"" "\")\""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "(s var) \".next();\"
'>'n'>" "\"} // end of for (Iterator \" (s var) \" = \" (s coll)
\".iterator(); \"" "(s var) \".hasNext();)\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-compile-option-bootclasspath nil
 jde-make-program "make"
 jde-java-font-lock-max-names-by-regexp 0
 jde-javadoc-gen-group nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-link-offline nil
 jde-expand-classpath-p t
 jde-entering-java-buffer-hook '(jde-reload-project-file
 jde-java-font-lock-api-file "e:/usr/kegunder/jde-java-font-lock.api"
 jde-javadoc-gen-doc-title ""
 jde-lib-directory-name "lib"
 jde-javadoc-gen-header ""
 jde-run-option-vm-args nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-window-title ""
 jde-compile-option-directory ""
 jde-imenu-create-index-function 'semantic-create-imenu-index
 jde-gen-console-buffer-template '("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function)"
                                   "\"/**\" '>'n" "\" * \""
                                   "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) '>'n" 
"\" *\" '>'n" "\"
*\" '>'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" *
@author <a href=\\\"mailto:\"; (eval user-mail-address) \"\\\">\"
(user-full-name) \"</a>\"'>'n" "\" * @version\" '>'n" "\" */\" '>'n" "'>'n"
"\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory
buffer-file-name))" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"public
\"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
"\" ()\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
"'>'n" "\"public static void main(String[] args)\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
"'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'p'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "\"} // \"'>"
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
 jde-read-make-args nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-noindex nil
 jde-gen-mouse-listener-template '("(end-of-line) '& (P \"Component name:
                                   "\".addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() \""
                                   "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'> "
                                   "'>'n \"public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) \" " 
"(if jde-gen-k&r
" "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\" '>" "'>'n \"public void
mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"}\" '>" "'>'n \"public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>" "'>'n \"public void
mousePressed(MouseEvent e) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"}\" '>" "'>'n \"public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>" "'>'n \"});\"'>'n'>")
 jde-run-option-application-args nil
 jde-bug-vm-executable '("javaw")
 jde-db-set-initial-breakpoint t
 jde-bug-debugger-command-timeout 30
 jde-db-option-stack-size '((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes"))
 jde-db-option-properties nil
 jde-db-source-directories nil
 jde-run-read-app-args nil
 jde-gen-to-string-method-template '("(end-of-line) '&"
                                     "\"public String toString() \""
                                     "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                                     "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n'>")
 jde-quote-classpath t
 jde-find-case-sensitive nil
 jde-bug-window-message nil
 jde-build-function '(jde-java-build)
 jde-javadoc-author-tag-template "\"* @author <a href=\\\"mailto:\";
user-mail-address\n \"\\\">\" user-full-name \"</a>\""
 jde-javadoc-describe-field-template "\"* Describe \"
(jde-javadoc-field-type modifiers)\n \" \" (jde-javadoc-code name) \"
 jde-javadoc-gen-link-URL nil
 jde-compile-option-classpath '("d:\\jdk1.3.1\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar")
 jde-bug-jdk-directory "e:/jdk1.3/"
 jde-gen-boilerplate-function 'jde-gen-create-buffer-boilerplate
 jde-gen-entity-bean-template '("(jde-import-insert-imports-into-buffer
(list \"javax.ejb.*\"\n\"java.rmi.RemoteException\"))" "'> \"public void
ejbActivate() throws RemoteException \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n" "'> \"public void ejbPassivate() throws
RemoteException \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n
'>'n" "'> \"public void ejbLoad() throws RemoteException \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n" "'> \"public void
ejbStore() throws RemoteException \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n" "'> \"public void ejbRemove() throws
RemoteException \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n
'>'n" "'> \"public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx) throws
RemoteException \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n
'>'n" "'> \"public void unsetEntityContext() throws RemoteException \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n'>")
 bsh-startup-directory ""
 jde-javadoc-version-tag-template "\"* @version 1.0\""
 jde-wiz-get-set-methods-include '("Both")
 jde-wiz-get-set-methods-order '("Get followed by set for each field")
 jde-javadoc-describe-constructor-template "\"* Creates a new \"
(jde-javadoc-code name) \" instance.\""
 jde-bug-server-shmem-name '(t . "JDEbug")
 jde-db-startup-commands nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-docletpath nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-split-index nil
 jde-compile-option-deprecation nil
 jde-import-group-of-rules '(("^javax?\\."))
 jde-which-method-mode t
 jde-gen-k&r t
 jde-javadoc-gen-bottom ""
 jde-javadoc-gen-footer ""
 jde-db-option-classpath nil
 jde-gen-cflow-for '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"for\")"
                     "'(l '> \"for (\" (p \"for-clause: \" clause) \") \""
                     "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n"
                     "\"} // end of for (\" (s clause) \")\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-gen-cflow-catch '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
                       "'(l '> \"catch (\" (p \"catch what: \" clause) \" e) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} // end of catch\"'>'n'>)"
 jde-run-mode-hook nil
 jde-db-option-verify '(nil t)
 jde-compile-option-extdirs nil
 jde-imenu-sort nil
 jde-gen-get-set-var-template '("(end-of-line) '&"
                                "(P \"Variable type: \" type) \" \""
                                "(P \"Variable name: \" name) \";\" '>'n '>'n"
                                "\"/**\" '>'n"
                                "\"* Get the value of \" (s name) \".\" '>'n"
                                "\"* @return value of \" (s name) \".\" '>'n"
                                "\"*/\" '>'n" "'>'\"public \" (s type)"
                                "(if (string= \"boolean\" (jde-gen-lookup-named 'type) 
) " "\" is\" "
"\" get\" ) " "(jde-gen-init-cap (jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"() \""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\" '>'n" "\"return \" (s name) \";\"
'>'n \"}\"" "'>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Set the value of \" (s name)
\".\" '>'n" "\"* @param v  Value to assign to \" (s name) \".\" '>'n"
"\"*/\" '>'n" "'>'\"public void set\" (jde-gen-init-cap
(jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"(\" (s type) \"  v) \" " "(if jde-gen-k&r
" "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\" '>'n" "'>'\"this.\" (s name) \" = v;\" '>'n \"}\"
 jde-bug-saved-breakpoints nil
 jde-compile-option-sourcepath nil
 jde-gen-cflow-if '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"if\")"
                    "'(l '> \"if (\" (p \"if-clause: \" clause) \") \""
                    "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"}\""
                    "(if jde-gen-comments "
                    "'(l \" // end of if (\" (s clause) \")\"))" "'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-package-package-comment " // Generated package name"
 jde-db-option-java-profile '(nil . "./")
 jde-gen-cflow-try-finally '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)"
                             "'(l \"try\")" "'(l \"try \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                             "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"}\""
                             "'> \"catch (\" (p \"catch what: \" clause) \" e) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"" "'> \"finally \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} // end of
try-finally\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-resolve-relative-paths-p t
 jde-javadoc-gen-author t
 jde-compile-option-depend-switch '("-Xdepend")
 jde-setnu-mode-enable nil
 jde-run-applet-doc ""
 jde-compile-option-vm-args nil
 jde-enable-senator t
 jde-wiz-include-javadoc t
 jde-javadoc-gen-overview ""
 jde-javadoc-gen-notree nil
 jde-run-option-garbage-collection '(t t)
 jde-db-mode-hook nil
 jde-javadoc-command-path "javadoc"
 jde-db-option-heap-profile '(nil "./java.hprof" 5 20 "Allocation objects")
 jde-import-group-function 'jde-import-group-of
 bsh-eval-timeout 30
 jde-db-read-vm-args nil
 jde-bug-debug nil
 jde-java-font-lock-api-name-filter nil
 jde-javadoc-end-block-template nil
 jde-gen-cflow-finally '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)"
                         "'(l \"finally\")" "'(l '> \"finally \""
                         "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n"
                         "\"} // end of finally\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-javadoc-gen-packages nil
 jde-gen-cflow-if-else '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
                         "'(l '> \"if (\" (p \"if-clause: \" clause) \") \""
                         "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n"
                         "\"} // end of if (\" (s clause) \")\"'> n"
                         "'> \"else \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                         "\"} // end of if (\" (s clause) \")else\"'>'n'>)"
 jde-gen-cflow-while '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
                       "'(l '> \"while (\" (p \"while-clause: \" clause) \") \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} // end of while (\" (s
clause) \")\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-bug-server-socket '(t . "2112")
 jde-imenu-include-modifiers nil
 jde-appletviewer-option-encoding ""
 jde-gen-cflow-try-catch '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)"
                           "'(l \"try\")" "'(l \"try \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                           "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \""
                           "'> \"catch (\" (p \"catch what: \" clause) \" e) \"" "(if 
" "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} // end of try-catch\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-bug-breakpoint-cursor-colors '("cyan" . "brown")
 jde-compile-option-target '("1.2")
 jde-run-executable ""
 jde-run-option-heap-size '((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes"))
 jde-gen-cflow-switch '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)"
                        "'(l \"switch\")"
                        "'(l '> \"switch (\" (p \"switch-condition: \" clause) \") \"" 
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'" "\"case \" (p \"first value: \")
\":\"'>'n'>'p'n" "\"break;\"'>'n'>'p'n" "\"default:\"'>'n'>'p'n"
"\"break;\"'>'n" "\"} // end of switch (\" (s clause) \")\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-which-method-abbrev-symbol "~"
 jde-db-option-vm-args nil
 jde-run-application-class ""
 jde-javadoc-gen-doclet ""
 jde-import-auto-sort nil
 jde-run-option-verbose '(nil nil nil)
 jde-launch-beanshell-on-demand-p t
 jde-project-file-name "prj.el"
 jde-compile-option-debug '("selected" (t nil nil))
 jde-complete-insert-method-signature t
 jde-bug-jre-home ""
 jde-import-sorted-groups nil
 jde-run-applet-viewer ""
 jde-javadoc-return-tag-template "\"* @return \" (jde-javadoc-a type)\n \"
\" (jde-javadoc-code type) \" value\""
 jde-javadoc-gen-version t
 jde-javadoc-gen-helpfile ""
 jde-import-excluded-packages '("bsh.*")
 jde-run-read-vm-args nil
 jde-help-docsets '(("javadoc" ""; nil))
 jde-gen-inner-class-template '("(end-of-line) '& \"class \" (P \"Class
name: \" class)" "\" \" (jde-gen-get-extend-class)" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
"'>'n)" "\"{\" '>'n" "\"public \" (s class) \"() \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
"'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "'>'n"
"(jde-gen-get-interface-implementation)" "'>'n" "\"}\" '>'n'>")
 jde-auto-parse-buffer-interval 180
 jde-run-option-verify '(nil t)
 jde-import-reverse-sort-group nil
 jde-compile-option-optimize nil
 jde-gen-cflow-case '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"case\")"
                      "'(l 'n \"case \" (p \"value: \") \":\"'>'n'>'p'n"
                      "\"break;\"'>'n'>'p)" ")")
 jde-wiz-get-set-variable-convention '("")
 jde-compile-option-depend nil
 jde-javadoc-describe-class-template "\"* Describe class \"
(jde-javadoc-code name) \" here.\""
 jde-help-remote-file-exists-function '("wget")
 jde-javadoc-gen-serialwarn nil
 jde-gen-action-listener-template '("'& (P \"Component name: \")"
                                    "\".addActionListener(new ActionListener() \"" 
"(if jde-gen-k&r "
"()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) \""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n \"});\"'>'n'>")
 jde-cygwin-path-converter '(jde-cygwin-path-converter-internal)
 jde-auto-parse-enable t
 jde-compile-option-command-line-args ""
 jde-gen-buffer-templates '(("Class" . jde-gen-class)
                            ("Console" . jde-gen-console)
                            ("Swing App" . jde-gen-jfc-app))
 jde-project-context-switching-enabled-p t
 jde-javadoc-gen-args nil
 jde-run-option-stack-size '((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes"))
 jde-run-option-properties nil

There was no *JDEBug* buffer

There is no CLI buffer

There is no locals buffer

The contents of the *Backtrace* buffer were

Signaling: (error "There are unset changes")
  signal(error ("There are unset changes"))
  error("There are unset changes")
  custom-toggle-hide((custom-variable :group (custom-group
:documentation-shown t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde Compile Options"
:value jde-compile-options :buttons (... ...) :sample-overlay #<overlay from
493 to 512 in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic (custom-magic :args ...
:indent 0 :parent #1 :children ... :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 565
in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 640 in *Customize Apropos*> :buttons
nil :value nil) :children (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... #0 ... ... ...) :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize
Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in *Customize Apropos*>) :tag "Jde Compile
Option Target" :custom-prefixes ("jde-compile-option-") :custom-level 2
:value jde-compile-option-target :parent (custom-group :documentation-shown
t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde Compile Options" :value
jde-compile-options :buttons (... ...) :sample-overlay #<overlay from 493 to
512 in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic (custom-magic :args ... :indent 0
:parent #1 :children ... :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 565 in
*Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 640 in *Customize Apropos*> :buttons
nil :value nil) :children (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... #0 ... ... ...) :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize
Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in *Customize Apropos*>) :indent 0
:custom-form edit :custom-state modified :custom-magic (custom-magic :args
(nil) :parent #0 :indent 0 :children (...) :from #<marker (before-insertion)
at 2863 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 2943 in *Customize Apropos*>
:buttons nil :value nil) :buttons ((documentation-string :args nil :value
"Generate class files that will work on VMs with the specified version.\n
\nThe default is to generate class files to be compatible with both\n1.1 and
1.2 VMs. The versions supported by javac in JDK1.2 are: \n\n  1.1     Ensure
that generated class files will be compatible \n          with 1.1 and 1.2
VMs. This is the default.\n  \n  1.2     Generate class files that will run
on 1.2 VMs, but \n          not on 1.1 VMs.\n\n  1.3     Generate class
files that will run on VMs in the \n          Java 2 SDK, v 1.3 and later,
but will not run \n          on 1.1 or 1.2 VMs\n\nBy default, classes are
compiled against the bootstrap and extension classes\nof the JDK that javac
shipped with. But javac also supports cross-compiling, \nwhere classes are
compiled against a bootstrap and extension classes of a \ndifferent Java
platform implementation. It is important to use
\n`jde-compile-option-bootclasspath' and `jde-compile-option-extdirs' when
\ncross-compiling." :indent 0 :parent #0 :doc-overlay #<overlay from 2943 to
3014 in *Customize Apropos*> :buttons ... :from #<marker (before-insertion)
at 2943 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3021 in *Customize
Apropos*>) (custom-magic :args ... :parent #0 :indent 0 :children ... :from
#<marker (before-insertion) at 2863 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at
2943 in *Customize Apropos*> :buttons nil :value nil) (visibility :args nil
:value t :help-echo "Hide the value of this option." :action
custom-toggle-parent :parent #0 :indent 0 :button-overlay #<overlay from
2820 to 2826 in *Customize Apropos*> :from #<marker (before-insertion) at
2820 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 2826 in *Customize Apropos*>)
(item :args nil :value "Jde Compile Option Target" :format "%{%t%}:" :action
custom-tag-action :help-echo "Change value of this option."
:mouse-down-action custom-tag-mouse-down-action :button-face
custom-variable-button-face :sample-face custom-variable-tag-face :parent #0
:indent 0 :sample-overlay #<overlay from 2793 to 2818 in *Customize
Apropos*> :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2793 in *Customize Apropos*>
:to #<marker at 2819 in *Customize Apropos*>)) :children ((list :args ...
:format "\n%v" :value ... :parent #0 :indent 0 :children ... :from #<marker
(before-insertion) at 2826 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 2863 in
*Customize Apropos*>)) :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2793 in
*Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3021 in *Customize Apropos*>))
  custom-toggle-parent((visibility :args nil :value t :help-echo "Hide the
value of this option." :action custom-toggle-parent :parent (custom-variable
:group (custom-group :documentation-shown t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde
Compile Options" :value jde-compile-options :buttons ... :sample-overlay
#<overlay from 493 to 512 in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic ...
:children ... :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize
Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in *Customize Apropos*>) :tag "Jde Compile
Option Target" :custom-prefixes ("jde-compile-option-") :custom-level 2
:value jde-compile-option-target :parent (custom-group :documentation-shown
t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde Compile Options" :value
jde-compile-options :buttons ... :sample-overlay #<overlay from 493 to 512
in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic ... :children ... :from #<marker
(before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in
*Customize Apropos*>) :indent 0 :custom-form edit :custom-state modified
:custom-magic (custom-magic :args ... :parent #1 :indent 0 :children ...
:from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2863 in *Customize Apropos*> :to
#<marker at 2943 in *Customize Apropos*> :buttons nil :value nil) :buttons
(... ... #0 ...) :children (...) :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2793
in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3021 in *Customize Apropos*>)
:indent 0 :button-overlay #<overlay from 2820 to 2826 in *Customize
Apropos*> :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2820 in *Customize Apropos*>
:to #<marker at 2826 in *Customize Apropos*>) (mouse-1 (#<window 5 on
*Customize Apropos*> 2822 (232 . 112) 5868408)))
  widget-apply((visibility :args nil :value t :help-echo "Hide the value of
this option." :action custom-toggle-parent :parent (custom-variable :group
(custom-group :documentation-shown t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde
Compile Options" :value jde-compile-options :buttons ... :sample-overlay
#<overlay from 493 to 512 in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic ...
:children ... :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize
Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in *Customize Apropos*>) :tag "Jde Compile
Option Target" :custom-prefixes ("jde-compile-option-") :custom-level 2
:value jde-compile-option-target :parent (custom-group :documentation-shown
t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde Compile Options" :value
jde-compile-options :buttons ... :sample-overlay #<overlay from 493 to 512
in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic ... :children ... :from #<marker
(before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in
*Customize Apropos*>) :indent 0 :custom-form edit :custom-state modified
:custom-magic (custom-magic :args ... :parent #1 :indent 0 :children ...
:from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2863 in *Customize Apropos*> :to
#<marker at 2943 in *Customize Apropos*> :buttons nil :value nil) :buttons
(... ... #0 ...) :children (...) :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2793
in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3021 in *Customize Apropos*>)
:indent 0 :button-overlay #<overlay from 2820 to 2826 in *Customize
Apropos*> :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2820 in *Customize Apropos*>
:to #<marker at 2826 in *Customize Apropos*>) :action (mouse-1 (#<window 5
on *Customize Apropos*> 2822 (232 . 112) 5868408)))
  widget-apply-action((visibility :args nil :value t :help-echo "Hide the
value of this option." :action custom-toggle-parent :parent (custom-variable
:group (custom-group :documentation-shown t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde
Compile Options" :value jde-compile-options :buttons ... :sample-overlay
#<overlay from 493 to 512 in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic ...
:children ... :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize
Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in *Customize Apropos*>) :tag "Jde Compile
Option Target" :custom-prefixes ("jde-compile-option-") :custom-level 2
:value jde-compile-option-target :parent (custom-group :documentation-shown
t :custom-state modified :tag "Jde Compile Options" :value
jde-compile-options :buttons ... :sample-overlay #<overlay from 493 to 512
in *Customize Apropos*> :custom-magic ... :children ... :from #<marker
(before-insertion) at 463 in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3626 in
*Customize Apropos*>) :indent 0 :custom-form edit :custom-state modified
:custom-magic (custom-magic :args ... :parent #1 :indent 0 :children ...
:from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2863 in *Customize Apropos*> :to
#<marker at 2943 in *Customize Apropos*> :buttons nil :value nil) :buttons
(... ... #0 ...) :children (...) :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2793
in *Customize Apropos*> :to #<marker at 3021 in *Customize Apropos*>)
:indent 0 :button-overlay #<overlay from 2820 to 2826 in *Customize
Apropos*> :from #<marker (before-insertion) at 2820 in *Customize Apropos*>
:to #<marker at 2826 in *Customize Apropos*>) (mouse-1 (#<window 5 on
*Customize Apropos*> 2822 (232 . 112) 5868408)))
  widget-button-click((mouse-1 (#<window 5 on *Customize Apropos*> 2822 (232
. 112) 5868408)))
  Custom-move-and-invoke((mouse-1 (#<window 5 on *Customize Apropos*> 2822
(232 . 112) 5868408)))

End Insert *Backtrace* buffer

The contents of the *Messages* buffer were

Loading regexp-opt...done
Loading backquote...
Loading backquote...done
Loading wid-browse...
Loading wid-browse...done
Bootstrapping objects...
Bootstrapping objects...done
Loading cl-macs...
Loading cl-macs...done
Loading cl-extra...
Loading cl-extra...done
jde-java-font-lock: building names cache...
jde-java-font-lock: building names cache...empty
Loading env...
Loading env...done
Loading cl-seq...
Loading cl-seq...done
For information about the GNU Project and its goals, type C-h C-p.
For information about the GNU Project and its goals, type C-h C-p.
Setting JDE variables to startup values... [2 times]
(No files need saving)
Flushed completion cache.
Creating customization buffer...
Creating customization buttons...
Creating customization items...
Creating group...
Creating group members... 94%
Creating group magic...
Creating group state...
Creating group... done
Creating customization items ...100%done
Creating customization setup...
Creating customization buffer...done
Loading debug...
Loading debug...done
Entering debugger...
 [2 times]
Loading semantic-el (source)...
Loading semantic-el (source)...done
Wrote e:/usr/kegunder/.emacs [2 times]
(No files need saving)
Flushed completion cache.
Preparing problem report...
Loading sendmail...
Loading sendmail...done
Formatting bug report buffer...
Formatting bug report
Mark set [2 times]

End Insert *Messages* buffer

There was no *jde-log* buffer

Process environment:

USERPROFILE=D:\Documents and Settings\kgunderson
ProgramFiles=D:\Program Files
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
PATH=d:\cygwin\bin;e:\Program Files\nope\bin;D:\Program Files\Common
CommonProgramFiles=D:\Program Files\Common Files
APPDATA=D:\Documents and Settings\kgunderson\Application Data
ALLUSERSPROFILE=D:\Documents and Settings\All Users

The contents of the .emacs file was

  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site/jde-2.2.8/lisp"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site/semantic"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site/speedbar"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site/elib"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site/eieio"))

;;Windows cua mode
  (load "cua-mode")
  (CUA-mode t)

;;Gnu DDE stuff
  (require 'gnuserv)

;; Set the debug option to enable a backtrace when a
;; problem occurs.
  (setq debug-on-error t)

;; If you want Emacs to defer loading the JDE until you open a
  (require 'jde)
(setq binary-process-input t)
(setq w32-quote-process-args ?\")
(setq shell-file-name "bash") ;; or sh if you rename your bash executable
(setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name)
(setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name)
(setq explicit-sh-args '("-login" "-i"))


 '(jde-run-option-verbose (quote (nil nil nil)))
 '(jde-compile-option-target (quote ("1.2")))
 '(jde-compile-option-classpath (quote ("d:\\jdk1.3.1\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar")))
 '(jde-compiler "d:\\jdk1.3.1\\bin\\javac")
 '(jde-enable-abbrev-mode t)
 '(jde-run-java-vm "d:\\jdk1.3.1\\bin\\java")
 '(jde-compile-option-verbose t))

=====end inserted .emacs file

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