Kevin Esler writes:

#   > There's actually an experimental Netbeans module providing Emacs
#   > integration available now.

# this sounds interesting. Where can I take a look at it ?

A little background for those of you who are not familiar with
Netbeans: it is an open source platform to build development tools
with, and specifically there are a lot of modules for Java
development. Sun's Forte for Java IDE, which
comes in two versions (one of which is free), is based on Netbeans.

There used to be an experimental module that was targeted specifically
at Emacsen (all versions). I looked at the site now, and it looks like
that specific module has been superseeded by one that specifically
targets XEmacs and Vim just now.

It is quite possible to use Emacs and Netbeans at the same time
concurrently without the editor integration module, which is what I
do, most of the time. There are occasional delays of a couple of
seconds if you open the same file both in Emacs and with the IDE's
editor; but there is usually no need to do that. 


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