I'm having a config problem with the beanshell classpath. My project
is separated into modules, so I have prj.el files at the root level,
and at each first level sub-dir, and I have all my common jar files in
a sibling directory (under the root level).  Within each module, I
have all the source files under MODULE/src/...

I first set up the prj files on the assumption that the classpaths in
those files are relative to the prj.el, but this does not work:

   main - prj.el



When I load /main/mod1/src/ca/teledyn/project/Code.java, bsh is
started with classpaths like

my work-around is to cd to main/mod1, then manually start bsh (or use
the wiz), and then return to my code, but that's not terribly

I then tried adding (bsh-startup-directory "~/dev/main/mod1") to the
main/mod1/prj.el but this gives the same result --- I also want to
avoid hard-coding absolute paths into the prj.el files so I can share
them with other developers.

What have I done wrong or omitted here?  How do I specify bsh
classpaths as relative to the project root?

I don't know if this is related, but when I do a jde-ant-build, when I
use C-` to step through the compile errors, it works the first time,
but when I try to use C-` for the second error, I get a prompt "find
this error in which source file?" and the default is the build.xml
file.  The workaround for this is to code so carefully as to only get
one syntax error ;)

Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> TeleDynamics Communications Inc
What happens on Groundhog Day?   http://www.teledyn.com/fun/GroundhogDay
"There are many things which do not concern the process" --- Joan of Arc

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