Thanks to everyone who wrote me with ideas - sounds like Paul's will
work the best for now.


At Fri, 1 Feb 2002 15:09:47 -0500,
Paul Kinnucan wrote:
> Curtis Clifton writes:
>  > Aaron,
>  > 
>  > I use grep in emacs for this purpose.  In your example I would do a M-x grep,
>  > then grep -n -e 'create(' *.java
>  > 
>  > This will display a buffer showing all the lines containing the string
>  > 'create('.  Clicking on lines in that buffer will jump to the particular line in
>  > the source code.
>  > 
> I use JDE->Find->Expression to search for an expression everwhere in
> the JDE source path (jde-db-source-directories). This displays all the
> hits as hyperlinks in a popup buffer. Clicking on any hyperlink takes
> you to the source of the hit. This command assumes that you have the
> Unix utilities grep and find installed on your system. The Cygwin Unix
> emulation package for Windows, which I use, includes both
> utilities. Since Windows also includes an incompatible function named
> find, I make sure that the Cygwin bin directory is ahead of the
> Windows system directory so that Emacs will find and use the Unix
> version.
> - Paul

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