Using Gnu Emacs 21.1 with JDE 2.2.9bet8 on a Windows2000 machine I have a
simple, but annoying problem. After making changes to a Java source file, I
want to compile using the menu JDE / Compile. In the minibuffer one is then
prompted something like "Save file (y/n)", but I cannot see this prompt
since something flashes repeatedly in the minibuffer, I think its the "Type
C-h for help. [10 times]" (which appears in the Messages buffer, the [10
times] becomes a larger number if I wait longer before pressing 'y' to save
the file). Help appreciated. Gert.

Bug report below.

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 21.1.1 (i386-msvc-nt5.0.2195)
 of 2001-10-22 on buffy
Package: JDE version 2.2.9beta8

current state:
 jde-gen-session-bean-template '("(jde-import-insert-imports-into-buffer " "
(list \"javax.ejb.*\""
                                 "        \"java.rmi.RemoteException\"))"
\"SessionBean\")" "'>"
                                 "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
"  \"void\"" "  \"ejbActivate\""
                                 "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>"
"(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
                                 "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
                                 "  \"void\"" "  \"ejbPassivate\"" "  nil" "
\"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>"
                                 "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"}\"'>'n 'n"
                                 "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
"  \"void\"" "  \"ejbRemove\""
                                 "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>"
"(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
                                 "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
                                 "  \"void\"" "  \"setSessionContext\"" "
\"SessionContext ctx\""
                                 "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
                                 "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
                                 "  \"void\"" "  \"unsetSessionContext\"" "
nil" "  \"RemoteException\""
                                 " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>")
 jde-gen-beep '("(end-of-line) '&"
 jde-complete-signature-display '("Eldoc")
 jde-project-name "default"
 jde-which-method-format '("[" jde-which-method-current "]")
 jde-run-classic-mode-vm t
 jde-complete-unique-method-names nil
 jde-which-method-max-length 20
 jde-javadoc-gen-nodeprecatedlist nil
 jde-package-search-classpath-variables '(jde-compile-option-classpath
 jde-imenu-include-classdef t
 jde-javadoc-gen-link-online nil
 jde-gen-code-templates '(("Get Set Pair" . jde-gen-get-set) ("toString
method" . jde-gen-to-string-method)
                          ("Action Listener" . jde-gen-action-listener)
                          ("Window Listener" . jde-gen-window-listener)
                          ("Mouse Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-listener)
                          ("Mouse Motion Listener" .
                          ("Inner Class" . jde-gen-inner-class) ("println" .
                          ("beep" . jde-gen-beep)
                          ("property change support" .
                          ("EJB Entity Bean" . jde-gen-entity-bean)
                          ("EJB Session Bean" . jde-gen-session-bean))
 jde-gen-cflow-else '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"else\")"
"'(l '> \"else \""
                      "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"}
\"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-make-args ""
 jde-jdk-registry '(("1.3.1" . "c:/jdk1.3"))
 jde-javadoc-gen-destination-directory "JavaDoc"
 jde-mode-line-format '("-" mode-line-mule-info mode-line-modified
                        mode-line-buffer-identification "   "
global-mode-string "   %[(" mode-name
                        mode-line-process minor-mode-alist "%n" ")%]--"
(line-number-mode "L%l--")
                        (column-number-mode "C%c--") (-3 . "%p")
                        (jde-which-method-mode ("--" jde-which-method-format
"--")) "-%-")
 jde-mode-abbreviations '(("ab" . "abstract") ("bo" . "boolean") ("br" .
"break") ("by" . "byte")
                          ("byv" . "byvalue") ("cas" . "cast") ("ca" .
"catch") ("ch" . "char")
                          ("cl" . "class") ("co" . "const") ("con" .
"continue") ("de" . "default")
                          ("dou" . "double") ("el" . "else") ("ex" .
"extends") ("fa" . "false")
                          ("fi" . "final") ("fin" . "finally") ("fl" .
"float") ("fo" . "for")
                          ("fu" . "future") ("ge" . "generic") ("go" .
"goto") ("impl" . "implements")
                          ("impo" . "import") ("ins" . "instanceof") ("in" .
"int") ("inte" . "interface")
                          ("lo" . "long") ("na" . "native") ("ne" . "new")
("nu" . "null") ("pa" . "package")
                          ("pri" . "private") ("pro" . "protected") ("pu" .
"public") ("re" . "return")
                          ("sh" . "short") ("st" . "static") ("str" .
"String") ("su" . "super")
                          ("sw" . "switch") ("sy" . "synchronized") ("th" .
"this") ("thr" . "throw")
                          ("throw" . "throws") ("tra" . "transient") ("tr" .
"true") ("vo" . "void")
                          ("vol" . "volatile") ("wh" . "while"))
 jde-imenu-enable t
 jde-compile-option-verbose nil
 jde-check-version-flag t
 jde-db-option-heap-size '((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes"))
 jde-bug-debugger-host-address ""
 jde-complete-add-space-after-method nil
 jde-make-working-directory ""
 jde-db-requested-breakpoint-face-colors '("black" . "yellow")
 jde-wiz-show-report t
 jde-javadoc-gen-use nil
 jde-gen-buffer-boilerplate '("// Stellenbosch 2002")
 jde-ant-enable-find nil
 jde-bug-raise-frame-p t
 jde-db-option-application-args nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-nonavbar nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-nohelp nil
 jde-gen-jfc-app-buffer-template '("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function)"
                                   "\"import java.awt.Dimension;\" '>'n"
"\"import java.awt.Graphics;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.Graphics2D;\" '>'n"
"\"import java.awt.Color;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;\"
                                   "\"import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;\"
                                   "\"import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;\"
                                   "\"import javax.swing.JFrame;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import javax.swing.JPanel;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import javax.swing.JScrollPane;\"
                                   "\"import javax.swing.JMenuBar;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import javax.swing.JMenu;\" '>'n"
                                   "\"import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;\"
                                   "\"import javax.swing.AbstractAction;\"
'>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n"
                                   "\" * \"" "(file-name-nondirectory
buffer-file-name) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n"
                                   "\" *\" '>'n" "\" * Created: \"
(current-time-string) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n"
                                   "\" * @author <a href=\\\"mailto:\"; (eval
user-mail-address) \"\\\">\" (user-full-name) \"</a>\"'>'n" "\" * @version\"
'>'n" "\" */\" '>'n" "'>'n" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" extends JFrame\"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"class Canvas extends JPanel\""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "
\"public\"" "  \"\"" "  \"Canvas\"" "  \"\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "
()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"setSize(getPreferredSize());\" '>'n"
"\"Canvas.this.setBackground(Color.white);\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"Dimension\"" "
\"getPreferredSize\"" "  \"\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"return new Dimension(600, 600);\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"paintComponent\"" "  \"Graphics g\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" "
'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"super.paintComponent(g);\" '>'n" "\"Graphics2D g2d =
(Graphics2D) g;\" '>'n" "\"Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(0d, 0d,
100d, 100d);\" '>'n" "\"g2d.setColor(;\" '>'n"
"\"g2d.translate(10, 10);\" '>'n" "\"g2d.draw(circle);\" '>'n"
"\"g2d.fill(circle);\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n " "\"}\"'>'n '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public \"" "  \"\"" "
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "
\"\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"super(\\\"\"
(P \"Enter app title: \") \"\\\");\" '>'n" "\"setSize(300, 300);\" '>'n"
"\"addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}\"
'>'n" "\"public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}\" '>'n" "\"});\"'>'n"
"\"setJMenuBar(createMenu());\" '>'n" "\"getContentPane().add(new
JScrollPane(new Canvas()));\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "'>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "   \"public static\"" "   \"void\"" "
\"main\"" "   \"String[] args\"" " )" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory
buffer-file-name))" "\" f = new \"" "(file-name-sans-extension
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"();\" '>'n" "\";\"
'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n '>'n" "\"protected JMenuBar createMenu() \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();\"
'>'n" "\"JMenu menu = new JMenu(\\\"File\\\");\" '>'n" "\"menu.add(new
AbstractAction(\\\"Exit\\\") \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"actionPerformed\"" "  \"ActionEvent e\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "
()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"System.exit(0);\" '>'n" "\"}\" '>'n" "\"});\"
'>'n" "\"mb.add(menu);\" '>'n" "\"return mb;\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n " "\"} //
\"'>" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
 jde-log-max 500
 jde-bug-key-bindings '(("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-step-over) ("[? ? ?]" .
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-step-into-all) ("[? ? ?]"
. jde-bug-step-out)
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-continue) ("[? ? ?]" .
 jde-compile-finish-hook '(jde-compile-finish-refresh-speedbar
 jde-compile-option-nowarn nil
 jde-setnu-mode-threshold 20000
 jde-db-option-host ""
 jde-wiz-get-set-variable-prefix "arg"
 jde-ant-user-jar-files nil
 jde-ant-complete-target t
 jde-package-default-package-comment "// Default package used"
 jde-package-load-hook nil
 jde-compile-option-encoding ""
 jde-db-option-attach nil
 jde-run-option-java-profile '(nil . "./")
 bsh-startup-timeout 10
 jde-bug-jpda-directory ""
 jde-read-compile-args nil
 jde-wiz-set-javadoc-template '("/**" "* Sets the value of %n" "*" "* @param
%p Value to assign to this.%n"
 jde-db-option-verbose '(nil nil nil)
 jde-which-method-class-min-length 4
 jde-db-read-app-args nil
 jde-ant-args "-emacs"
 jde-javadoc-gen-nodeprecated nil
 jde-run-option-heap-profile '(nil "./java.hprof" 5 20 "Allocation objects")
 jde-gen-cflow-else-if '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l
                         " '(l '> \"else if\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-1
                         " \"(\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 (p
\"else-if-clause: \" clause) "
                         "       jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 \")\"" " (if
jde-gen-k&r "
                         "  jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " " '>'n)" "
\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" " \"}\""
                         " (if jde-gen-comments " "  '(l \" // end of else
if (\" (s clause) \")\"))"
                         " '>'n'>)" " )")
 jde-gen-println '("'&" "\"System.out.println(\" (P \"Print out: \")
 jde-enable-abbrev-mode nil
 bsh-vm-args nil
 jde-import-collapse-imports-threshold 0
 jde-auto-parse-max-buffer-size 50000
 jde-gen-cflow-main '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l \"main\")"
" '(l '> "
                      " (jde-gen-method-signature" "   \"public static\"" "
\"void\"" "   \"main\""
                      "   \"String[] args\"" "  )" " (if jde-gen-k&r " "
()" "  'n)" " \"{\"'>'n'>'r'n'>"
                      " \"}\"" " (if jde-gen-comments " "  '(l \" // end of
main()\"))" " '>'n'>)" " )")
 jde-javadoc-exception-tag-template "\"* @exception \" type \" if an error
 jde-global-classpath '("c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment"
 jde-find-file-regexp '("*.java")
 jde-gen-window-listener-template '("(end-of-line) '& (P \"Window name: \")"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 "
                                    "\"new WindowAdapter\"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-1 \"()\"'>"
                                    "(if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3" " 'n)"
                                    "\"{\"'>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature"
"  \"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                    "  \"windowActivated\"" "  \"WindowEvent
e\"" " )" "'>"
                                    "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                    "(jde-gen-method-signature" "
\"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                    "  \"windowClosed\"" "  \"WindowEvent
e\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                                    " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                    "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"windowClosing\"" "  \"WindowEvent e\""
                                    " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" "
'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
                                    " \"System.exit(0);\" '>'n \"}\"" "'>'n"
                                    "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
                                    "  \"WindowEvent e\"" " )" "'>" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
                                    "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
                                    "  \"void\"" "  \"windowDeiconified\"" "
\"WindowEvent e\"" " )" "'>"
                                    "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                    "(jde-gen-method-signature" "
\"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                    "  \"windowIconified\"" "  \"WindowEvent
e\"" " )" "'>"
                                    "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                    "(jde-gen-method-signature" "
\"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                    "  \"windowOpened\"" "  \"WindowEvent
e\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                                    " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 \");\" '>'n'>")
 jde-run-working-directory "c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment"
 jde-db-classic-mode-vm nil
 jde-gen-property-change-support '("(end-of-line) '&"
                                   "\"protected PropertyChangeSupport pcs =
new PropertyChangeSupport(this);\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Adds a
PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.\" '>'n" "\"* The listener is
registered for all properties.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n" "\"* @param listener The
PropertyChangeListener to be added\" '>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"addPropertyChangeListener\"" "  \"PropertyChangeListener listener\"" " )"
"'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\"
'>'n" "\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.\" '>'n"
"\"* This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered\" '>'n" "\"*
for all properties.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n " "\"* @param listener The
PropertyChangeListener to be removed\" '>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"removePropertyChangeListener\"" "  \"PropertyChangeListener listener\"" "
)" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"'>\"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n"
"\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Adds a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.\"
'>'n" "\"* The listener will be invoked only when a call on
firePropertyChange\" '>'n" "\"* names that specific property.\" '>'n" "\"*\"
'>'n" "\"* @param propertyName The name of the property to listen on\" '>'n"
"\"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added\" '>'n" "\"*/\"
'>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"addPropertyChangeListener\"" "  \"String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);\"
'>'n" "\"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener
for a specific property.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n" "\"* @param propertyName The
name of the property that was listened on\" '>'n" "\"* @param listener The
PropertyChangeListener to be removed\"'>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"removePropertyChangeListener\"" "  \"String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName,
listener);\" '>'n" "\"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Reports a bound
property update to any registered listeners. \" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired
if old and new are equal and non-null.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n" "\"* @param
propertyName The programmatic name of the property\" '>'n" "\"*
that was changed\" '>'n" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the
property\" '>'n" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the property.\" '>'n
\"*/\" '>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"firePropertyChange\"" "  \"String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object
newValue\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>
\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" '>'n" "\"}\"
'>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Reports a bound property update to any
registered listeners. \" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are
equal and non-null.\" '>'n" "\"* This is merely a convenience wrapper around
the more general\" '>'n" "\"* firePropertyChange method that takes Object
values.\" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and
non-null.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n" "\"* @param propertyName The programmatic
name of the property\" '>'n" "\"*                     that was changed\"
'>'n" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" '>'n" "\"* @param
newValue The new value of the property.\" '>'n \"*/\" '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"firePropertyChange\"" "  \"String propertyName, int oldValue, int
newValue\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>
\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" '>'n" "\"}\"
'>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Reports a bound property update to any
registered listeners. \" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are
equal and non-null.\" '>'n" "\"* This is merely a convenience wrapper around
the more general\" '>'n" "\"* firePropertyChange method that takes Object
values.\" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and
non-null.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n" "\"* @param propertyName The programmatic
name of the property\" '>'n" "\"*                     that was changed\"
'>'n" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" '>'n" "\"* @param
newValue The new value of the property.\" '>'n \"*/\" '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"firePropertyChange\"" "  \"String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean
newValue\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>
\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" '>'n" "\"}\"
'>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Fires an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any
registered listeners.\" '>'n" "\"* No event is fired if the given event's
old and new values are\"'>'n" "\"* equal and non-null. \" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n"
"\"* @param evt The PropertyChangeEvent object.\" '>'n\"*/\" '>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"firePropertyChange\"" "  \"PropertyChangeEvent evt\"" " )" "'>" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"pcs.firePropertyChange(evt);\"
'>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* Checks if there are any listeners
for a specific property.\" '>'n" "\"*\" '>'n" "\"* @param evt The
PropertyChangeEvent object.\" '>'n" "\"* @return <code>true</code>if there
are one or more listeners\"'>'n" "\"*             for the given property\"
'>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "
\"boolean\"" "  \"hasListeners\"" "  \"String propertyName\"" " )" "'>" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'> \"return
pcs.hasListeners(propertyName);\" '>'n \"}\" '>'n '>'n'>")
 jde-javadoc-describe-interface-template "\"* Interface \" (jde-javadoc-code
name) \" \""
 jde-jdk '("1.3.1")
 jde-imenu-include-signature t
 jde-gen-mouse-motion-listener-template '("(end-of-line) '& (P \"Component
name: \")"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 "
                                          "\"new MouseMotionAdapter\"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-1 \"()\" '>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "  \"mouseDragged\""
"  \"MouseEvent e\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"}\"'>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"mouseMoved\"" "  \"MouseEvent e\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" "
'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "\"}\" jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2
 jde-key-bindings '(("[? ? ?]" . jde-run-menu-run-applet) ("[? ? ?]" .
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-compile) ("[? ? ?]" . jde-debug)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-find) ("[? ? ?i]" .
                    ("[? ? ?j]" . jde-javadoc-generate-javadoc-template)
("[? ? ?
]" . bsh)
                    ("[? ? ?\f]" . jde-gen-println) ("[? ? ?]" .
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-save-project) ("[? ? ?]" .
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-run) ("[? ? ?]" .
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-db-menu-debug-applet) ("[? ? ?]"
. jde-help-symbol)
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-open-class-source) ("[? ? ?]" .
                    ("[? ? ?]" . jde-run-etrace-prev) ("[? ? ?]" .
                    ("[(control c) (control v) (control ?.)]" .
                    ("[(control c) (control v) ?.]" .
 jde-java-environment-variables '("" "")
 jde-gen-cflow-for-i '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"fori\")"
                       "'(l '> \"for (int \" (p \"variable: \" var) \" = 0;
\"" "(s var)"
                       "\" < \"(p \"upper bound: \" ub)\"; \" (s var) \"++)
\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
                       "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-run-option-classpath nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-detail-switch '("-private")
 jde-gen-conditional-padding-1 " "
 jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 ""
 jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "
 jde-bug-sio-connect-delay 1
 jde-ant-read-target nil
 jde-javadoc-param-tag-template "\"* @param \" name \" \" (jde-javadoc-a
type)\n \" \" (jde-javadoc-code type) \" value\""
 jde-compile-option-verbose-path nil
 jde-javadoc-display-doc t
 jde-imenu-modifier-abbrev-alist '(("public" . 43) ("protected" . 177)
("private" . 172) ("static" . 2215)
                                   ("transient" . 35) ("volatile" . 126)
("abstract" . 170) ("final" . 182)
                                   ("native" . 36) ("synchronized" . 64)
("strictfp" . 37))
 jde-wiz-get-javadoc-template '("/**" "* Gets the value of %n" "*" "*
@return the value of %n" "*/")
 jde-jdk-doc-url "C:/jdk1.3/docs/api/index.html"
 jde-gen-comments t
 jde-gen-cflow-enable nil
 jde-compiler '("javac server" "")
 jde-javadoc-gen-verbose nil
 jde-javadoc-describe-method-template "\"* Method \" (jde-javadoc-code name)
\" \""
 jde-gen-class-buffer-template '("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function)"
                                 "\"/**\" '>'n" "\" * \""
"(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) '>'n"
                                 "\" *\" '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" * Created:
\" (current-time-string) '>'n"
                                 "\" *\" '>'n"
                                 "\" * @author <a href=\\\"mailto:\"; (eval
user-mail-address) \"\\\">\" (user-full-name) \"</a>\"'>'n" "\" * @version\"
'>'n" "\" */\" '>'n'" "'>'n" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" \"
(jde-gen-get-extend-class)" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " '>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory
buffer-file-name))" " jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3 \"()\"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'p'n" "\"}\">" "'>'n"
"(jde-gen-get-interface-implementation)" "'>'n" "\"}\">" "\"// \""
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
 jde-javadoc-checker-level 'protected
 jde-appletviewer-option-vm-args nil
 jde-run-executable-args nil
 jde-db-option-garbage-collection '(t t)
 jde-bug-stack-info nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-stylesheetfile ""
 jde-use-font-lock t
 jde-gen-cflow-for-iter '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l
                          " '(l '> \"for\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-1 "
                          " \"(\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 \"Iterator
\" (p \"variable: \" var) "
                          " \" = \" (p \"collection: \" coll) \".iterator();
\"" " (s var) \".hasNext();\""
                          "       jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 \")\"" " (if
jde-gen-k&r "
                          "   jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)" "
                          " (s var) \".next();\" '>'n'>" " \"}\"" " (if
jde-gen-comments "
                          "  '(l \" // end of for (Iterator \" (s var) \" =
\" (s coll)"
                          "  \".iterator(); \" (s var) \".hasNext();)\"))" "
'>'n'>)" " )")
 jde-compile-option-bootclasspath nil
 jde-make-program ""
 jde-java-font-lock-max-names-by-regexp 100
 jde-javadoc-gen-group nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-link-offline nil
 jde-gen-junit-test-class-buffer-template '("(funcall
junit.framework.Test;\" '>'n"
junit.framework.TestCase;\" '>'n"
junit.framework.TestSuite;\" '>'n" "'n" "\"/**\" '>'n"
                                            "\" * \"" "\" Unit Test for
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n"
"\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" * @author <a
href=\\\"mailto:\"; (eval user-mail-address) \"\\\">\" (user-full-name)
\"</a>\"'>'n" "\" * @version\" '>'n" "\" */\" '>'n'" "\"public class \""
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"
extends TestCase \" " "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'n" " \"
/** \" '>'n" " \"* Creates a new <code>\"" "(file-name-sans-extension
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"</code> instance.\" '>'n" "
\"*\" '>'n" " \"* @param name test name\" '>'n" " \"*/\"'>'n" "\"public \""
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"
(String name)\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"super(name);\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>" "'>'n" "'n" "\"/**\" '>'n" "\"* @return a
<code>TestSuite</code>\" '>'n" "\"*/\" '>'n" "\"public static TestSuite
suite()\" '>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"TestSuite suite
= new TestSuite ();\" '>'n" "'>'n" "\"return suite;\" '>'n" "\"}\"'>'n'n"
"\"/** \" '>'n" "\"* Entry point \" '>'n" "\"*/ \" '>'n" "\"public static
void main(String[] args) \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\";\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "\"}\">" "\"//
\"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
 jde-expand-classpath-p t
 jde-entering-java-buffer-hook '(jde-reload-project-file
 jde-javadoc-gen-doc-title ""
 jde-lib-directory-name "lib"
 jde-javadoc-gen-header ""
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 jde-javadoc-gen-window-title ""
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 jde-imenu-create-index-function 'semantic-create-imenu-index
 jde-gen-console-buffer-template '("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function)"
                                   "\"/**\" '>'n" "\" * \""
"(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) '>'n"
                                   "\" *\" '>'n" "\" *\" '>'n" "\" *
Created: \" (current-time-string) '>'n"
                                   "\" *\" '>'n"
                                   "\" * @author <a href=\\\"mailto:\"; (eval
user-mail-address) \"\\\">\" (user-full-name) \"</a>\"'>'n" "\" * @version\"
'>'n" "\" */\" '>'n" "'>'n" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" "
'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"\"" "
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "
\"\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'n"
"\"}\"'>'n" "'>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "   \"public static\"" "
\"void\"" "   \"main\"" "   \"String[] args\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
" ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "'>'p'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "\"} // \"'>"
"(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
 jde-import-auto-sort-function 'jde-import-sort
 jde-read-make-args nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-noindex nil
 jde-gen-mouse-listener-template '("(end-of-line) '& (P \"Component name:
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 "
                                   "\"new MouseAdapter\"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-1 \"()\" '>"
                                   "(if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3" " 'n)"
                                   "\"{\"'>'n " "(jde-gen-method-signature"
"  \"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                   "  \"mouseClicked\"" "  \"MouseEvent e\""
" )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                                   " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                   "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"mouseEntered\"" "  \"MouseEvent e\"" " )"
                                   "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                   "(jde-gen-method-signature" "
\"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                   "  \"mouseExited\"" "  \"MouseEvent e\""
" )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                                   " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                   "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"mousePressed\"" "  \"MouseEvent e\"" " )"
                                   "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                   "(jde-gen-method-signature" "
\"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                   "  \"mouseReleased\"" "  \"MouseEvent
e\"" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                                   " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
                                   "\"}\" jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2
 jde-run-option-application-args nil
 jde-ant-home ""
 jde-bug-vm-executable '("javaw")
 jde-db-set-initial-breakpoint t
 jde-bug-debugger-command-timeout 30
 jde-db-option-stack-size '((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes"))
 jde-db-option-properties nil
 jde-db-source-directories '("c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment/"
 jde-run-read-app-args nil
 jde-gen-to-string-method-template '("(end-of-line) '&" "\"/**\" '>'n"
                                     "\"* Retrieve a String representation
of this object\" '>'n"
                                     "\"* \" '>'n"
                                     "\"* @return a <code>String</code>
representation of this object.\" '>'n" "\"* @see Object#toString()\" '>'n"
"\"*/\" '>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"String\"" "
\"toString\"" "  nil" " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"'>'r'n" "\"}\"'>'n'>")
 jde-ant-read-buildfile nil
 jde-quote-classpath t
 jde-find-case-sensitive nil
 jde-bug-window-message nil
 jde-build-function '(jde-java-build)
 jde-debugger '("JDEbug")
 jde-javadoc-author-tag-template "\"* @author <a href=\\\"mailto:\";
user-mail-address\n \"\\\">\" user-full-name \"</a>\""
 jde-javadoc-describe-field-template "\"* The \" (jde-javadoc-field-type
modifiers)\n \" \" (jde-javadoc-code name) \" \""
 jde-javadoc-gen-link-URL nil
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 jde-gen-boilerplate-function 'jde-gen-create-buffer-boilerplate
 jde-gen-entity-bean-template '("(jde-import-insert-imports-into-buffer " "
(list \"javax.ejb.*\""
                                "        \"java.rmi.RemoteException\"))"
"'>" "(jde-gen-method-signature"
                                "   \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "
\"ejbActivate\"" "  nil"
                                "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
                                "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                "  \"ejbPassivate\"" "  nil" "
\"RemoteException\"" " )" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                                " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>"
                                "  \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "  \"ejbLoad\""
"  nil" "  \"RemoteException\""
                                " )" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>"
                                "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "
\"void\"" "  \"ejbStore\""
                                "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
                                "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>"
"(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
                                "  \"void\"" "  \"ejbRemove\"" "  nil" "
\"RemoteException\"" " )"
                                "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>"
                                "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "
                                "  \"setEntityContext\"" "  \"EntityContext
ctx\"" "  \"RemoteException\""
                                " )" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>"
                                "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\"" "
                                "  \"unsetEntityContext\"" "  nil" "
\"RemoteException\"" " )"
                                "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" "\"{\"'>'n"
"\"}\"'>'n 'n '>")
 bsh-startup-directory ""
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 jde-wiz-get-set-methods-include '("Both")
 jde-wiz-get-set-methods-order '("Get followed by set for each field")
 jde-javadoc-describe-constructor-template "\"* Constructor for new \"
(jde-javadoc-code name) \" instances.\""
 jde-bug-server-shmem-name '(t . "JDEbug")
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 jde-javadoc-gen-docletpath nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-split-index nil
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 jde-gen-k&r nil
 jde-javadoc-gen-bottom ""
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 jde-gen-cflow-for '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"for\")"
                     "'(l '> \"for (\" (p \"for-clause: \" clause) \") \""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                     "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-gen-cflow-catch '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l
                       " '(l '> \"catch\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-1  "
                       " \"(\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 (p \"catch
what: \" clause) \" e\""
                       "       jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 \")\"" " (if
jde-gen-k&r "
                       "   jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)" "
\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" " \"}\""
                       " (if jde-gen-comments " "  '(l \" // end of
catch\"))" " '>'n'>)" " )")
 jde-run-mode-hook nil
 jde-db-option-verify '(nil t)
 jde-compile-option-extdirs nil
 jde-imenu-sort 'asc
 jde-gen-get-set-var-template '("'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>"
                                "\"* Get the value of \" (P \"Variable name:
\" name)     \".\" 'n>"
                                "\"* @return Value of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>"
"\"*/\" 'n>"
                                "\"public \" (P     \"Variable type: \"
type) \" get\" (jde-gen-init-cap (jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"()
{return \" (s name) \";}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>" "\"* Set the value of \"
(s     name) \".\" 'n>" "\"* @param v  Value to assign to \" (s name) \".\"
'n>" "\"*/\"     'n>" "\"public void set\" (jde-gen-init-cap
(jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"(\" (s     type) \"  v) {this.\" (s name)
\" = v;}\" 'n>")
 jde-bug-saved-breakpoints nil
 jde-complete-use-menu t
 jde-compile-option-sourcepath nil
 jde-gen-cflow-if '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"if\")"
                    "'(l '> \"if (\" (p \"if-clause: \" clause) \") \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                    "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-package-package-comment " // Generated package name"
 jde-db-option-java-profile '(nil . "./")
 jde-gen-cflow-try-finally '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l
\"try\")" " '(l '> \"try \""
                             " (if jde-gen-k&r " "  ()" "  'n)" "
\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" " \"}\" '>"
                             " (if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)"
                             " \"catch\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-1 "
                             " \"(\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 (p
\"catch what: \" clause) \" e\""
                             "       jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 \")\" '>"
" (if jde-gen-k&r "
                             "   jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)" "
\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" " \"}\" '> "
                             " (if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)"
                             " \"finally\" '>" " (if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 "
                             "  'n)" " \"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" " \"}\"" " (if
jde-gen-comments "
                             "  '(l \" // end of try-finally\"))" " '>'n'>)"
" )")
 jde-resolve-relative-paths-p t
 jde-javadoc-gen-author t
 jde-compile-option-depend-switch '("-Xdepend")
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 jde-import-group-function 'jde-import-group-of
 bsh-eval-timeout 30
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 jde-bug-debug nil
 jde-java-font-lock-api-name-filter nil
 jde-javadoc-end-block-template nil
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 jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 ""
 jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3 " "
 jde-gen-cflow-finally '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l
\"finally\")" " '(l '> \"finally\""
                         " (if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)" " \"{\"'>'n'>'r'n"
                         " \"}\"" " (if jde-gen-comments " "  '(l \" // end
of finally\"))" " '>'n'>)" " )")
 jde-javadoc-gen-packages nil
 jde-help-use-frames t
 jde-gen-cflow-if-else '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
                         "'(l '> \"if (\" (p \"if-clause: \" clause) \") \""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                         "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'> n" "'> \"else \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                         "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-bug-server-socket '(t . "2112")
 jde-gen-cflow-while '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
                       "'(l '> \"while (\" (p \"while-clause: \" clause) \")
\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()"
                       "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-imenu-include-modifiers nil
 jde-appletviewer-option-encoding ""
 jde-gen-cflow-try-catch '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l
\"try\")" " '(l '> \"try \""
                           " (if jde-gen-k&r " "  ()" "  'n)" "
\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" " \"}\" '>"
                           " (if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)"
                           " \"catch\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-1 "
                           " \"(\" jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 (p \"catch
what: \" clause) \" e\""
                           "       jde-gen-conditional-padding-2 \")\" '>" "
(if jde-gen-k&r "
                           "   jde-gen-conditional-padding-3 " "  'n)" "
\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" " \"}\""
                           "  (if jde-gen-comments " "  '(l \" // end of
try-catch\"))" " '>'n'>)" " )")
 jde-bug-breakpoint-cursor-colors '("cyan" . "brown")
 jde-compile-option-target '("1.1")
 jde-ant-read-args nil
 jde-run-executable ""
 jde-ant-buildfile "build.xml"
 jde-run-option-heap-size '((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes"))
 jde-jdb-key-bindings '(("[? ? ?]" . jde-debug-step-over) ("[? ? ?]" .
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-debug-cont) ("[? ? ?]" .
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-debug-toggle-breakpoint) ("[?
? ?]" . jde-debug-up)
                        ("[? ? ?]" . jde-debug-down))
 jde-gen-cflow-switch '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
                        "'(l '> \"switch (\" (p \"switch-condition: \"
clause) \") \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r "
                        "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'" "\"case \" (p \"first
value: \") \":\"'>'n'>'p'n"
                        "\"break;\"'>'n'>'p'n" "\"default:\"'>'n'>'p'n"
"\"break;\"'>'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")
 jde-which-method-abbrev-symbol "~"
 jde-db-option-vm-args nil
 jde-run-application-class ""
 jde-javadoc-gen-doclet ""
 jde-project-hooks nil
 jde-import-auto-sort nil
 jde-run-option-verbose '(nil nil nil)
 jde-launch-beanshell-on-demand-p t
 jde-project-file-name "prj.el"
 jde-compile-option-debug '("none" (nil nil nil))
 jde-complete-insert-method-signature t
 jde-bug-jre-home ""
 jde-import-sorted-groups nil
 jde-compile-option-hide-classpath nil
 jde-run-applet-viewer "appletviewer"
 jde-javadoc-return-tag-template "\"* @return \" (jde-javadoc-a type)\n \"
\" (jde-javadoc-code type) \" value\""
 jde-javadoc-gen-version t
 jde-complete-signature-display-time 5
 jde-javadoc-gen-helpfile ""
 jde-import-excluded-packages '("bsh.*")
 jde-run-read-vm-args nil
 jde-help-docsets '(("JDK API" "C:/jdk1.3/docs/api/" nil))
 jde-ant-invocation-method '("Script")
 jde-gen-inner-class-template '("(end-of-line) '& \"class \" (P \"Class
name: \" class) '>"
                                "\" \" (jde-gen-get-extend-class)" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " '>'n)"
                                "\"{\" '>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature" "
\"public\"" "  nil"
                                "  (jde-gen-lookup-named 'class)" "  nil" "
)" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()"
                                " '>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "'>'n"
"'>'n" "\"}\" '>'n'>")
 jde-auto-parse-buffer-interval 600
 jde-run-option-verify '(nil t)
 jde-import-reverse-sort-group nil
 jde-compile-option-optimize nil
 jde-gen-cflow-case '("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" " '(l \"case\")"
                      " '(l 'n \"case \" (p \"value: \") \":\"'>'n" "
'>'p'n" " \"break;\"'>'n)" " )")
 jde-wiz-get-set-variable-convention '("")
 jde-compile-option-depend nil
 jde-javadoc-describe-class-template "\"* Class \" (jde-javadoc-code name)
\" \""
 jde-help-remote-file-exists-function '("wget")
 jde-gen-add-test-to-suite '("\"suite.addTest(new \""
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))"
                             "\"(\\\"\" (P \"Test Name: \") \"\\\") \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                             "\"{\"'>'n" "\"public void runTest()\"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
                             "\"{\"'>'n" "(P \"Method to call: \")
\"();\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n" "\"});\"'>'n")
 jde-javadoc-gen-serialwarn nil
 jde-gen-action-listener-template '("'& (P \"Component name: \")"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 "
                                    "\"new ActionListener\"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-1 \"()\" '>"
                                    "(if jde-gen-k&r " "
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3" " 'n)"
                                    "\"{\"'>'n" "(jde-gen-method-signature"
"  \"public\"" "  \"void\""
                                    "  \"actionPerformed\"" "  \"ActionEvent
e\"" " )" "'>"
                                    "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n"
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 \");\"'>'n'>'n'>")
 jde-cygwin-path-converter '(jde-cygwin-path-converter-internal)
 jde-auto-parse-enable nil
 jde-compile-option-command-line-args nil
 jde-gen-buffer-templates '(("Class" . jde-gen-class) ("Console" .
                            ("Swing App" . jde-gen-jfc-app))
 jde-project-context-switching-enabled-p t
 jde-javadoc-gen-args nil
 jde-run-option-stack-size '((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes"))
 jde-run-option-properties nil

There was no *JDEBug* buffer

There is no CLI buffer

There is no locals buffer

There was no *Backtrace* buffer

The contents of the *Messages* buffer were

Loading c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/emacs-21.1/bin/fns-21.1.1.el (source)...done
Loading semantic-util-modes...done
Loading senator...
Loading easymenu...done
Loading ring...done
Loading senator...done
Loading semanticdb...
Loading cl-macs...done
Bootstrapping objects...done
Loading semanticdb...done
ECB uses semantic 1.4beta13
Loading edmacro...done
The ECB is now activated.
Loading regexp-opt...done
Defining colors...
Loading mule-util...done
jde-java-font-lock: building names cache...empty
Loading time...done
Loading paren...done
Loading cl-seq...done
Loading semantic-el...done
For information about the GNU Project and its goals, type C-h C-p.
Loading c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment/prj.el (source)...done
Loading fast-lock...done
Loading fast-lock...done
Mark set
Loading c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment/prj.el (source)...done
Fontifying (regexps..................................)
Loading c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment/prj.el (source)...done
Mark saved where search started
Cleaning: boolean checkIn(AppObject)
Mark saved where search started
Cleaning: boolean put(AppObject)
Mark saved where search started
Cleaning: AppObject get(String,boolean)
Mark saved where search started
Type C-h for help. [10 times]
Wrote c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment/service/persistence/
Starting the BeanShell. Please wait...
Flushed completion cache.
Preparing problem report...
Loading sendmail...done
Formatting bug report
Mark set

End Insert *Messages* buffer

The contents of the *jde-log* buffer were

jde-load-project-file: Loading c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment/prj.el
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-run-classic-mode-vm from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-global-classpath from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-run-working-directory from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-db-source-directories from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-run-application-class from project
jde-load-project-file: Loading c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment/prj.el
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-run-classic-mode-vm from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-global-classpath from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-run-working-directory from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-db-source-directories from project
jde-set-variables: Loading jde-run-application-class from project

End Insert *jde-log* buffer

Process environment: 

TMPDIR=C:\Documents and Settings\gcvr\Local Settings\Temp
USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\gcvr
TMP=C:\Documents and Settings\gcvr\Local Settings\Temp
TEMP=C:\Documents and Settings\gcvr\Local Settings\Temp
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users

The contents of the .emacs file was

(setq load-path
    ;; Firga: "P:/progs/siv/emacs-20.3.1/site-lisp/jde-2.1.5b4"
    ;; Other add-on packages
(add-to-list 'load-path
 'load-path "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/emacs-21.1/site-lisp/speedbar-0.14beta2")
 'load-path "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/emacs-21.1/site-lisp/semantic-1.4beta13")
 'load-path "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/emacs-21.1/site-lisp/elib-1.0")
 'load-path "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/emacs-21.1/site-lisp/ecb-1.70")
;; 'load-path

;; Semantic
(setq semantic-load-turn-everything-on t)
(require 'semantic-load)

(require 'filladapt)
(setq-default filladapt-mode t)
(require 'speedbar)
(require 'ecb)

(require 'jde)
;; cf jmaker.el in the site-lisp directory
(require 'jmaker) 
;; Printing
;;One way to set `ps-postscript-code-directory' is to insert in your
;; (I recommend this way) (see ps-print readme file)
;;(setq ps-postscript-code-directory 
;; "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/emacs-21.1/site-lisp/ps-print/etc/ps-print/")
;;(require 'ps-print)
;;(require 'printing)

;;(setq pr-ps-printer-alist
;;      '( 
;;      (standard "redpr.exe" nil "-pACITSLPR_1"    "")
;;      )

;; Frame settings
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/frame_settings.emacs")
;; Settings for IBM Notebook: 15 inch monitor
;; running 1400 x 1050 resolution
(set-frame-height (selected-frame) 56)
;; When using speedbar
;;(set-frame-width (selected-frame) 113) 
;; When using ECB
 (set-frame-width (selected-frame) 148) 
;; Settings for Firga: 17 inch monitor
;; running 800x600 resolution
;; (set-frame-height (selected-frame) 32)
;; (set-frame-width (selected-frame) 70) 
(setq default-frame-alist
      '((cursor-color . "Red")
        (foreground-color . "black")
        (background-color . "ivory")
        (font . "-*-Courier New-bold-r-*-*-15-90-120-120-c-*-iso8859-1")))

;Set the default color, font and frame size for the initial frame.
(setq initial-frame-alist
      '((cursor-color . "Red")
        (foreground-color . "black")
        (background-color . "ivory")))
;       (font . "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-13-*-96-96-c-*-iso8859-5")))

(set-face-background 'modeline "navy")
(set-face-foreground 'modeline "gold")

;;(set-face-font 'italic "-*-Courier
;;(set-face-font 'bold "-*-Courier New-bold-r-*-*-13-*-96-96-c-*-iso8859-5")
;;(set-face-font 'bold-italic "-*-Courier

;;(setq initial-frame-alist '((top . 10) (left . 30)))

(setq frame-title-format
            '(multiple-frames "%b"
                  (""  invocation-name "@" system-name 
                   ": %f")))

;;(load "sniff-mode")

;; Phil Lords fix for abbrev-mode problems in the comment sections, etc.
;; (require 'tmmofl)

;; For creating .html from Emacs files.
;; (require 'htmlize)

;; Folding mode
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/folding.emacs")

;; Use cynus bash shell in Emacs
;;(load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/cygnus.emacs")
;;(setq binary-process-input t) 
;;(setq w32-quote-process-args ?\") 
;;(setq shell-file-name "bash") ;; or sh if you rename your bash executable
to sh. 
;;(setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name) 
;;(setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name) 
;;(setq explicit-sh-args '("-login" "-i"))

;; Print using Ghostview
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/ghostview.emacs")

;; Use the following commands, based on font-lock-mode, to move the
;; cursor to previous/next method:
;; Shortcut key for moving to next function is Alt-Downarrow
;; Shortcut key for moving to previous function is Alt-Uparrow
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/jump_to_method.emacs")
(defun next-function-name-face ()
  "Point to next `font-lock-function-name-face' text."
  (let ((pos (point)))
    (if (eq (get-text-property pos 'face) 'font-lock-function-name-face)
      (setq pos (or (next-property-change pos) (point-max))))
    (setq pos (text-property-any pos (point-max) 'face
    (if pos
        (goto-char pos)
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (message "End of buffer")))))

(defun prev-function-name-face ()
  "Point to previous `font-lock-function-name-face' text."
  (let ((pos (point)))
    (if (eq (get-text-property pos 'face) 'font-lock-function-name-face)
      (setq pos (or (previous-property-change pos) (point-min))))
    (setq pos (previous-property-change pos))
    (while (and pos (not (eq (get-text-property pos 'face)
      (setq pos (previous-property-change pos)))
    (if pos
          (setq pos (previous-property-change pos))
          (goto-char (or (and pos (1+ pos)) (point-min))))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (message "Beginning of buffer")))))
;; Shortcut key for moving to next function is Alt-Downarrow
(define-key jde-mode-map [M-down]  'next-function-name-face)
;; Shortcut key for moving to previous function is Alt-Uparrow
(define-key jde-mode-map [M-up] 'prev-function-name-face)

;; Configuration required to use browse-url on Win32. 
;; The program shelex.exe has to be in the path.
;; Note the variable jde-jdk-doc-url also has to be set to point to the
;; file where you want to start.
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/browsedocs.emacs")
(defvar shell-execute-helper "shelex.exe")
    (defun shell-execute-url (url &optional new-window)
    "Invoke the shell-execute-helper program to call ShellExecute and launch
    or re-direct a web browser on the specified url."
      (interactive "sURL: ")
     ;  (call-process shell-execute-helper nil nil nil url) 
      (start-process "shellex" nil shell-execute-helper url))

    (setq browse-url-browser-function 'shell-execute-url)
    (setq gnus-button-url 'shell-execute-url)               ; GNUS
    (setq vm-url-browser 'shell-execute-url)                ; VM

;; JDE mode hook
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/my_jde_mode_hook.emacs")
 defun my-jde-mode-hook ()
     (c-set-offset 'arglist-intro '+)
     (c-basic-offset . 2)
     ;; Don't indent braces
     (setq c-continued-brace-offset -2)
     (c-comment-only-line-offset . (0 . 0))              
     (c-hanging-braces-alist . ((substatement-open before after) ))))
  (c-set-style "my-java")
;; Makes a new line when the ; is typed.
;;(setq c-auto-newline t) 
;; Define shortcut keys (for jde mode, not global)
(define-key jde-mode-map [f1] 'jde-help-symbol)
(global-set-key [f2] 'ecb-redraw-layout)
(define-key jde-mode-map [f3] 'set-mark-command)
(define-key jde-mode-map [f4] 'kill-rectangle)
(define-key jde-mode-map [f5] 'yank-rectangle)
(define-key jde-mode-map [f6] 'jdok-generate-javadoc-template)
(define-key jde-mode-map [f8] 'kill-this-buffer)
;; F10 key will create the postscript for the active java buffer and write
;; it to the *PostScript* buffer. Save that buffer to file and use Ghostview
;; to process it further.
(define-key jde-mode-map [f10] 'ps-spool-buffer-with-faces)
;; Auto indentation (without pressing the tab).
(define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent) 
(setq c-comment-continuation-stars "* ")
(add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)

(add-hook 'jde-mode-hook 'my-jde-mode-hook)

;; Turn on hungry delete mode: i.e. backspace deletes all preceding
;; whitespace characters in one swoop.
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
   '(lambda () (c-toggle-hungry-state 1)))

;; Debugging when required
 (setq debug-on-error t)

;; These lines show the clock in the status bar. 
;; Comment out first line if you prefer to show
;; time in 12 hour format
(setq display-time-24hr-format t)
(setq display-time-day-and-date t)

;; Shut off annoying sound
(set-message-beep 'silent)

;; show column number in status bar
(setq column-number-mode t)

;; make searches case-INsensitive
(set-default 'case-fold-search t)

;; Word completion: Set the Tab to do word-completion
;; Obsolete: Type part of the word, then M-/ (Alt-/) to complete
;;(setq-default dabbrev-case-replace nil)
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/tab_functionality.emacs")
;; Use tab key for my-tab.
;; In case of problems change to [insert] for my-tab and meta-insert for
overwrite mode
;;(global-set-key [insert] 'my-tab)
;;(global-set-key [(meta insert)] 'overwrite-mode)

;; Set colors like this, if desired
;;(set-background-color "azure1")
;;(set-background-color "gray90")
(set-background-color "ivory")
(set-foreground-color "black")

;; Get rid of old versions of files
(setq delete-old-versions t)

;; Shut off message buffer. Note - if you need to debug emacs,
;; comment these out so you can see what's going on.
;; (setq message-log-max nil)
;; (kill-buffer "*Messages*")

;; Automatically turn on auto-fill-mode when editing text files
;; (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

;; If you want to change the word wrap column, change this number
(setq-default fill-column 75)

;; Changes emacs keyboard to a more 'Windowish' style for coping, cutting &
pasting ...
(require 'cua)
(CUA-mode t)

;;Highlight matching parentheses
;; (load "c:/Gnu_stuff/Emacs/Home/parenthesis.emacs")
(load "paren")
(show-paren-mode t)
;; Valid styles are 
;; `parenthesis' (meaning show the matching paren),
;; `expression'  (meaning show the entire expression enclosed by the paren)
;; `mixed'       (meaning show the matching paren if it is visible, and 
;;                the expression otherwise).
(setq paren-style (quote mixed)) 
(setq paren-sexp-mode t)
(setq paren-delay 20)
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(show-paren-match-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "black" :background
 '(show-paren-mismatch-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "black"
:background "red2")))))

;; If not using cua-mode but still want pc key bindings
;;(pc-bindings-mode) ;; set Home=beginning-of-line; End=end-of-line;
C-Home=top of                      ;; ;; file; C-End=bottom

;; Use bubble for switching between buffers.
;; For description on how bubble works check description in source file.
;;(load "bubble" nil t)                ; or autoload the two commands
;;(global-set-key [f12] 'bubble-buffer) ; or some such pair of keys
;;(global-set-key [f11] 'bubble-buffer-back)

;; Problem with mouse-2 events with 5 button mouse, therefore:
(setq w32-num-mouse-buttons 2)

;; =================================================================
;; Emacs auto customize section
;; =================================================================

;; Start custom section. Emacs will  add to this section when
;; you use the customize stuff on the help menu

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(browse-url-netscape-version 4.05)
 '(browse-url-new-window-p t)
 '(c-basic-offset 2)
 '(column-number-mode t)
 '(ecb-compile-window-temporally-enlarge (quote (temp compile)))
 '(ecb-layout-nr 9)
 '(ecb-show-complete-file-name-in-minibuffer t)
 '(ecb-show-sources-in-directories-buffer t)
 '(ecb-source-file-regexps (quote (""
 '(ecb-source-path (quote (("c:/gert/PhD/ProtoApp/collEnvment" "coll")
("c:/SL344/2001/TrussFrameAnalysis/" "sl344"))))
 '(ecb-windows-height 0.25)
 '(ecb-windows-width 0.25)
 '(find-file-run-dired t)
 '(font-lock-global-modes t)
 '(font-lock-support-mode (quote fast-lock-mode))
 '(global-auto-revert-mode t nil (autorevert))
 '(global-font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock))
 '(global-semantic-auto-parse-mode t nil (semantic-util-modes))
 '(global-semantic-show-dirty-mode nil nil (semantic-util-modes))
 '(global-semantic-show-unmatched-syntax-mode nil nil (semantic-util-modes))
 '(global-semantic-summary-mode t nil (semantic-util-modes))
 '(global-senator-minor-mode t nil (senator))
 '(jde-auto-parse-buffer-interval 600)
 '(jde-auto-parse-enable nil)
 '(jde-bug-debugger-host-address "")
 '(jde-bug-jdk-directory "c:/jdk1.3")
 '(jde-bug-jpda-directory "")
 '(jde-bug-jre-home "")
 '(jde-bug-vm-includes-jpda-p t)
 '(jde-compile-option-debug (quote ("none" (nil nil nil))))
 '(jde-compile-option-depend nil)
 '(jde-compiler (quote ("javac server" "")))
 '(jde-db-debugger (quote ("JDEbug" "" . "Executable")) t)
 '(jde-db-option-verbose (quote (nil nil nil)))
 '(jde-db-option-verify (quote (nil t)))
 '(jde-db-source-directories (quote ("./" "c:/jdk1.3/src/")))
 '(jde-debugger (quote ("JDEbug")))
 '(jde-enable-abbrev-mode nil)
 '(jde-gen-buffer-boilerplate (quote ("// Stellenbosch 2002")))
 '(jde-gen-cflow-else (quote ("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
\"else\")" "'(l '> \"else \"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)"
"\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")))
 '(jde-gen-cflow-enable nil)
 '(jde-gen-cflow-for (quote ("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
\"for\")" "'(l '> \"for (\" (p \"for-clause: \" clause) \") \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")))
 '(jde-gen-cflow-for-i (quote ("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
\"fori\")" "'(l '> \"for (int \" (p \"variable: \" var) \" = 0; \"" "(s
var)" "\" < \"(p \"upper bound: \" ub)\"; \" (s var) \"++) \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")))
 '(jde-gen-cflow-if (quote ("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
\"if\")" "'(l '> \"if (\" (p \"if-clause: \" clause) \") \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")))
 '(jde-gen-cflow-if-else (quote ("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
\"ife\")" "'(l '> \"if (\" (p \"if-clause: \" clause) \") \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'> n" "'> \"else \""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")))
 '(jde-gen-cflow-switch (quote ("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
\"switch\")" "'(l '> \"switch (\" (p \"switch-condition: \" clause) \") \""
"(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'" "\"case \" (p \"first value:
\") \":\"'>'n'>'p'n" "\"break;\"'>'n'>'p'n" "\"default:\"'>'n'>'p'n"
"\"break;\"'>'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")))
 '(jde-gen-cflow-while (quote ("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l
\"while\")" "'(l '> \"while (\" (p \"while-clause: \" clause) \") \"" "(if
jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" "\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"} \"'>'n'>)" ")")))
 '(jde-gen-get-set-var-template (quote ("'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>" "\"* Get the
value of \" (P \"Variable name: \" name)     \".\" 'n>" "\"* @return Value
of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public \" (P     \"Variable type:
\" type) \" get\" (jde-gen-init-cap (jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"()
{return \" (s name) \";}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>" "\"* Set the value of \"
(s     name) \".\" 'n>" "\"* @param v  Value to assign to \" (s name) \".\"
'n>" "\"*/\"     'n>" "\"public void set\" (jde-gen-init-cap
(jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"(\" (s     type) \"  v) {this.\" (s name)
\" = v;}\" 'n>")))
 '(jde-gen-k&r nil)
 '(jde-gen-println (quote ("'&" "\"System.out.println(\" (P \"Print out: \")
 '(jde-global-classpath (quote ("." "c:/jdk1.3/jre/lib/rt.jar")))
 '(jde-help-docsets (quote (("JDK API" "C:/jdk1.3/docs/api/" nil))))
 '(jde-imenu-sort (quote asc))
 '(jde-java-environment-variables (quote ("" "")))
 '(jde-javadoc-checker-level (quote protected))
 '(jde-javadoc-describe-class-template "\"* Class \" (jde-javadoc-code name)
\" \"")
 '(jde-javadoc-describe-constructor-template "\"* Constructor for new \"
(jde-javadoc-code name) \" instances.\"")
 '(jde-javadoc-describe-field-template "\"* The \" (jde-javadoc-field-type
 \" \" (jde-javadoc-code name) \" \"")
 '(jde-javadoc-describe-interface-template "\"* Interface \"
(jde-javadoc-code name) \" \"")
 '(jde-javadoc-describe-method-template "\"* Method \" (jde-javadoc-code
name) \" \"")
 '(jde-javadoc-gen-args nil)
 '(jde-javadoc-gen-detail-switch (quote ("-private")))
 '(jde-jdk (quote ("1.3.1")))
 '(jde-jdk-doc-url "C:/jdk1.3/docs/api/index.html")
 '(jde-jdk-registry (quote (("1.3.1" . "c:/jdk1.3"))))
 '(jde-make-program "")
 '(jde-mode-abbreviations (quote (("ab" . "abstract") ("bo" . "boolean")
("br" . "break") ("by" . "byte") ("byv" . "byvalue") ("cas" . "cast") ("ca"
. "catch") ("ch" . "char") ("cl" . "class") ("co" . "const") ("con" .
"continue") ("de" . "default") ("dou" . "double") ("el" . "else") ("ex" .
"extends") ("fa" . "false") ("fi" . "final") ("fin" . "finally") ("fl" .
"float") ("fo" . "for") ("fu" . "future") ("ge" . "generic") ("go" . "goto")
("impl" . "implements") ("impo" . "import") ("ins" . "instanceof") ("in" .
"int") ("inte" . "interface") ("lo" . "long") ("na" . "native") ("ne" .
"new") ("nu" . "null") ("pa" . "package") ("pri" . "private") ("pro" .
"protected") ("pu" . "public") ("re" . "return") ("sh" . "short") ("st" .
"static") ("str" . "String") ("su" . "super") ("sw" . "switch") ("sy" .
"synchronized") ("th" . "this") ("thr" . "throw") ("throw" . "throws")
("tra" . "transient") ("tr" . "true") ("vo" . "void") ("vol" . "volatile")
("wh" . "while"))))
 '(jde-run-applet-viewer "appletviewer")
 '(jde-run-application-class "")
 '(jde-run-classic-mode-vm t)
 '(jde-run-java-vm-w "javaw")
 '(jde-run-working-directory "")
 '(jde-which-method-mode nil)
 '(jdok-describe-constructor "* Description: ")
 '(jdok-exception-tag "* @exception ")
 '(jfolding-auto-hide-on-load nil t)
 '(jmaker-end-of-line-style (quote dos))
 '(lpr-command "print" t)
 '(lpr-headers-switches nil t)
 '(lpr-page-header-program "pr")
 '(make-backup-files nil)
 '(mark-even-if-inactive t)
 '(max-specpdl-size 3000)
 '(mouse-sel-mode t nil (mouse-sel))
 '(mouse-wheel-mode nil nil (mwheel))
 '(pr-faces-p t)
 '(pr-gs-command "c:/gstools/gs5.10/gswin32.exe")
 '(pr-gs-switches (quote ("-q -dNOPAUSE
 '(pr-gv-command "c:/gstools/gsview/gsview32.exe")
 '(pr-ps-name (quote standard))
 '(pr-ps-printer-alist (quote ((standard "redpr.exe" nil "-p\"C:\\Program
Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 4.0\\PDF Output\\*.pdf\"" ""))))
 '(pr-spool-p nil)
 '(pr-temp-dir "c:/winnt/TEMP/")
 '(printer-name "//sun_ing/isi_hp4v" t)
 '(ps-build-face-reference t)
 '(ps-header-line-pad 0.1)
 '(ps-header-lines 1)
 '(ps-left-header (quote (ps-get-buffer-name)))
 '(ps-lpr-command "")
 '(ps-lpr-switches (quote ("")))
 '(ps-paper-type (quote a4) t)
 '(ps-print-color-p nil)
 '(ps-printer-name "c:/winnt/temp/in/")
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 '(ps-right-header (quote ("/pagenumberstring load")))
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 '(scroll-conservatively 1)
 '(scroll-step 1)
 '(semantic-imenu-auto-rebuild-directory-indexes nil)
 '(show-paren-style (quote mixed))
 '(speedbar-frame-parameters (quote ((minibuffer) (width . 37) (border-width
. 0) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (unsplittable . t) (background-color . "ivory"))))
 '(speedbar-supported-extension-expressions (quote
(".[ch]\\(\\+\\+\\|pp\\|c\\|h\\|xx\\)?" ".tex\\(i\\(nfo\\)?\\)?" ".el"
".emacs" ".l" ".lsp" ".p" ".java" ".f\\(90\\|77\\|or\\)?" ".ada" ".pl"
".tcl" ".m" ".scm" ".pm" ".py" ".s?html" "Makefile\\(\\.in\\)?" ".idl")))
 '(tempo-interactive t)
 '(transient-mark-mode t)
 '(which-func-mode-global t nil (which-func))
 '(which-function-mode t nil (which-func)))

=====end inserted .emacs file
< Gert van Rooyen
< Dept of Civil Engineering
< University of Stellenbosch
< Stellenbosch, South Africa

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