Elias Biris writes:
 > thanks for the reply:
 > The changes that you suggest do not sort my problem. Even without the jars in the 
 >classpath the Beanshell cannot find the requested classes promptly enough. Also my 
 >code base is already quite large.

I don't know why this should be so. It works quite promptly on my system
for finding JDK source files. Does your application include more classes
than the JDK?

Also do you have the same performance problem with the import class
command (C-c C-v C-z)? The only thing that the source file finder uses
the Beanshell for is to find the qualified name of the class. If the
Beanshell is the problem, you should see the same problem with all
JDE commands that use the Beanshell, including the import command
and field and method completion.

 > On another aspect, the invocation of the beanshell is done via the command:
 > Does that mean that the Beanshell picks all the jars in that classpath as well for 


>In that case removing the extraneous jars from my classpath does not make any 
>difference as they get picked up from the command

It would make a difference because they would be included twice, once by you and once
by the JDE (bsh.jar and jde.jar) and once by the JDK (rt.jar). I'm not convinced yet
that the problem is the Beanshell.

- Paul

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