Hi All,

I've written an ant task which generates a prj.el file from the
information contained in the ant build.xml (what it can get it's
hands on, anyway).

For me it works really well.

You can download the whole package from
http://i3sp-build.sourceforge.net/ (click on i3sp-build) - you need
to build the package and then load the task definitions in your own

    <jdeproject prjel="${basedir}/src/prj.el"
                classpath="${CLASSPATH}" />

The class path can be expressed as above or as nested classpath
elements or refs.

This enables most JDE functionality to work correctly for me:

method completion, wizards, compiling, building with ant etc. The
only thing I save in my .emacs is jde-help-docsets.

I don't use the debugger so I have no idea how that fares, but I'm
open to feedback.

If I can get this a bit more "productionized" I will make the effort
and try and get it included in standard ant.

I could also add a nested element for setting arbitrary jde values to
given paths (format in lisp for you) and Strings (I'll set it


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