Paul Kinnucan writes:
 > Jon Kvebaek writes:
 >  > It sort of works for me, but i do get an error message when completion
 >  > has been done:
 >  > 
 >  >   jde-complete-display-current-signature: Symbol's function definition
 >  >   is void: eldoc-message
 >  > 
 > This means that Emacs cannot find the eldoc package, which is required
 > by the JDEE for completion. eldoc is a standard Emacs package. There must
 > be something wrong with your installation.

Actually an earlier message from David.Ostrovsky points out that this
may be a problem with the JDEE not loading eldoc because of 
a regression error. I plan to fix this problem in the next release.
Meanwhile, you can fix the problem by putting 

(require 'eldoc) 

in your .emacs file.

- Paul

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