Jeff Rancier wrote:

> Hello All.
> When I run jde-ant-build on a Java buffer, I get the following:
> cd h:/cvsdev/user/jrancier/lookupgenerator/
> h:/usr/pkg/jakarta-ant-1.5Beta1/bin/ant.bat -Dant.home=h:/usr/pkg/jakarta-an
> t-1.5Beta1 -buildfile
> "h:/cvsdev/user/jrancier/lookupgenerator/build.xml" -emacs
> Buildfile: h:\cvsdev\user\jrancier\lookupgenerator\build.xml -emacs does not
> exist!
> Build failed
> Compilation finished at Tue May 21 15:37:18
> If I run it from the command line with the '-emacs' option before the build
> file name, it appears to work.

Yes it does work with '-emacs' before the buildfile name.  The cmd line you show
from the emacs buffer places '-emacs' as the target to build in file build.xml.
It looks like you have listed -emacs as the target to run instead of an argument
to ant?


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