I'm using filladapt.el which is a much smarter (auto-)filling then the
standard-mechanism of Emacs.

here an example. Suppose the following method:

      public void print(int i, double d)

point is on the first line. Then i do JDE->Documentation->Add and get

       * Beschreibung der Methode <code>print</code> :
       * @param i Wert vom Typ <code>int</code> - 
       * @param d Wert vom Typ <code>double</code> - 
      public void print(int i, double d)

Then i fill out the several parts of this comment like follows:

 * Beschreibung der Methode <code>print</code> : hfdghsd fjghksjdf hg
 * hdfjgh sdjfhg jkhsdfkjg hsdkjf ghjksdhfg jkhsdjfg hksjdfhg jksdfhg
 * jhdfjk hsdkfjg hsdkjfg hjsdhfg jkshdfjkgh sdjfgh
 * + sjdj sdhfjk hasdfjhas kdfjhaskdfh ajksdhf jhasdkfj hasdj fh ajksdhf
 *   jashdfkj hsdjf hasjdhf
 *   - sdjkfh sjkdhf jkashdjf hasjkdfh jashdfkj ahsdjfh aksjdf ahsdkjf
 *     haksjdhf jashdf
 * + sdjkfh asjkdfh jashdfjk hasjkdfh jkashdfj hasjdfh jasdhf jkahsdjkf
 *   hajksdhf jhasdfjk hasjdfh
 * @param i Wert vom Typ <code>int</code> - jsdfhgj sdhfgjhsdfjg
 *        hjskdfhg jsdhfg jhsdfjgh sdkjfhg jsdfhg jhsdfjghjksdfhg
 *        jkhsdfjg hdhfg
 * @param d Wert vom Typ <code>double</code> - djfhgjk sdhfgjk hsdfkg
 *        jsdhfgjkshdfkghsdjfhgjdhfg jshdfg hsdfjghsdkfg
 *        + dfhg sjdfhg jksdhfgjk hsdfjkgh sdjkfg hskjdfhg jsdfhgk
 *          jsdfhg jsdhfg jkh.
public void print(int i, double d)

Note: I have not made any manual line-breaks except before beginning a new bullet (+). 
Have not inserted any manual * or indendation, but all is
doen automatically by filladapt.el. Note also the indendation of the
javadoc-keywords "param" (works for all other keywords too).


-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Mirguet
Sent: 05.06.02 15:51
Subject: auto-fill-mode problems while typing javadoc


I use (auto-fill-mode) as a minor mode for JDE.

When I type the javadoc description for a class, and when this mode 
provoques a carriage-return, I get a * at the beginning of the new line 
which is correctly indented. This is quite nice.

But when I type the javadoc description for a method, I don't get the 
same behaviour : the * doesn't appear automaticaly.

Is there something that I can do to fix that ? Is this the normal 
behaviour ?

I use :
Linux Redhat 7.3
emacs 21.2.1
jde 2.2.9beta9.1

Thank you
Laurent Mirguet

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