Vishwanathan SVN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> I am having problems building the following ant targets using the Ant server
> under JDE 
> Target Name : bobl\codegen
> The output I get is the following :
> AntServer output:
>  -Dant.home=C:/Ant -buildfile e:/Main/build.xml -Dbuild=E:/Main/build
> bobl\codegen 
> // Error: Error parsing input: bsh.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 1,
> column 107.  Encountered: "\n" (10), after : "\");"
> It looks like the \ in the target is confusing the bsh interpreter. 
Yes, '\' were not being escape before being set to the beanshell.

Feel free to grab the latest jde-ant.el from the repository.

P.S. You might need to restart your beanshell, after it fails parsing it gets
into some weird state.
> My environment:
> Windows 2000 Professional
> XEmacs 21.4 (patch 6) "Common Lisp (Windows)" [Lucid] (i586-pc-win32)
> JDEE 2.2.9beta10
> I am attaching my prj.el. 
> Thanks in advance
> vishy

Javier S. Lopez                 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Forum Systems, Inc.
(781) 263-5406                  40 Williams St., Suite G20,         Wellesley, MA 02481

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