Chris Matthies writes:
 > Paul,
 > I have just installed JDE 2.2.8 and when editing local java files the JDE menu shows 
 >up fine. When using EFS to ftp a file from a remote machine I only get the JAVA menu 
 >and the modeline shows JDE mode but no JDE, Classes, or Senator menu options. Any 
 >ideas what the problem is??? I have searched all over Google but to no avail. If you 
 >have any idea I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance...

Hi Chris,

After opening a Java file, Emacs runs jde-mode, which among other things, searches up 
the directory tree containing the source file for a project file. If the root of the 
tree is a remote system, it's possible that the project file search ends in an error, 
aborting jde-mode before it gets a chance to load the JDE menus.I could give you a 
more definitive answer if you had provided more information (see the JDEE website for 
info on what info to provide when asking for tech support.) There have been several 
patches to the project file search code since JDE 2.2.8 designed to handle remote file 
systems. I don't recall if the patches handle the EFS case. You might try JDEE 
2.2.9beta10, which is a vast improvement over JDEE 2.2.8 and is very stable. Please 
let me know if the problem persists
under JDEE 2.2.9beta10.

- Paul

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