Hi, when I try to autocomplete (jde-complete-menu/at-point/ whatever completion function), BeanShell returns the following error:
Beanshell expression evaluation error. Expression: jde.util.Completion.getClassInfo("org.netbeans.api.filesets.FileSet",0); Error: // Error: // Uncaught Exception: Method Invocation jde.util.Completion.getClassInfo : at Line: 21 : in file: <unknown file> : jde .util .Completion .getClassInfo ( "org.netbeans.api.filesets.FileSet" , 0 ) Target exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError java.lang.NoSuchMethodError at jde.util.Completion.listConstructors(Completion.java:323) at jde.util.Completion.listClassInfo(Completion.java:474) at jde.util.Completion.getClassInfo(Completion.java:518) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at bsh.Reflect.invokeMethod(Unknown Source) at bsh.Reflect.invokeStaticMethod(Unknown Source) at bsh.Name.invokeMethod(Unknown Source) at bsh.BSHMethodInvocation.eval(Unknown Source) at bsh.BSHPrimaryExpression.eval(Unknown Source) at bsh.Interpreter.run(Unknown Source) at bsh.Interpreter.main(Unknown Source) bsh-eval: Beanshell eval error. See messages buffer for details. I autocomplete at a source fileset. ^ where variable fileset is of the type org.netbeans.api.filesets.FileSet, the FileSet class is at the classpath (checked that it is correctly feeded into BeanShell). Only that it is not referenced as a jar file, but the root of the class tree is referenced (the classes are not packaged, they are just lying in the hierarchy). When I try to evaluate the expression jde.util.Completion.getClassInfo("org.netbeans.api.filesets.FileSet",0) at BeanShell's prompt, I get the same error. Moreover, it appears only when the class-name parameter refers to an existing class on the classpath. When I try something like jde.util.Completion.getClassInfo("org.netbeans.api.filesets.BlaBla",0) I get nil So, I get the error for anything on the classpath and for everything else the function returns nil. I also tried something packed in jar (e.g. jde.util.Completion) and it is the same. So it is not important that the classes are packed. Please, anybody has got some idea? I'm running JDE 2.2.9beta11 and bsh 1.2b6.