Thank you for the quick reply - respect!
The solution worked just fine :-)


Henrik Kjær

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:paulk@;] 
Sent: 13. november 2002 21:08
To: Henrik Kjær
Subject: JDE and Checkstyle

Henrik Kjær writes:
 > Hello Paul
 > First, let me congratulate you with a great new JDE package.  >  
 > I have previously posted the mailing list, but never
 > got any answer, then I tried to post the following to mohnen but still haven't got 
 >an answer,  > so now I try you.  > Please let me know if I am the only one with the 
 >following problem with  > Checkstyle in JDE (I do not have the problem using 
 >checkstyle as an  > ant target!?)  >  
 > I have problems editing the TODO pattern.
 > I have changed it to the sun convention FIXME using the M-x 
 >jde-checkstyle-customize, but it still finds TODO:, and only those!?  > I have 
 >previously send a mail to the jde forum, but never got any replies, hence I  > try 
 >the source. 
 > Question: Can you change the TODO pattern to "FIXME" using the customizations and  > 
 >then have jde-checkstyle report warnings. Or is it just me :-) !? 
 > I am using emacs 21.1, jde 2.2.9, on windows 2000.
 > Sincerly 

This is a bug in jde-checkstyle.el. To fix the bug, replace line 546 with the 

(add-to-list 'options (concat "-Dcheckstyle.pattern.todo=" 

recompile, and restart Emacs.

- Paul

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