How hard would it be to have a BeanShell instance per project?

For example, currently I work on FOUR JDE projects at once in a single
Emacs session, which corresponds to two main projects, each with two
branches (main development branch and stable branch).

Clearly this is a problem with the BeanShell, because it uses the
CLASSPATH of the project it was instantiated with.  E.g. if I was
looking at a file in the dev branch when BeanShell was started, but am
now looking at a file in the stable branch and do C-c C-v C-y, JDE will
pull the class from the dev branch, not the stable branch.

It shouldn't be hard to have JDE be smart enough to create a separate
instance of BeanShell for each project (as an option of course), and to
use the appropriate BeanShell for whatever the current project is.  Or,
it could be smart enough to dynamically tell the BeanShell to use a
different CLASSPATH based on the current project.

Is this alreay possible, or is there another way to do this?



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