Petter Måhlén writes:
 > Hi,
 > I have a file with (at least) the following import statement:
 > import java.util.*;
 > If I then ask JDE to import java.util.List, a new statement will be
 > added:
 > import java.util.*;
 > import java.util.List;
 > The second statement is of course redundant. I think I have traced the
 > problem to:
 > (defun jde-import-strip-existing-imports (new-imports existing-imports)
 >   "Exclude classes that have already been imported."
 >   (let (i n return-imports)
 >     (setq i 0)
 >     (setq n (length new-imports))
 >     (while (< i n)
 >       ;;iterate through the new imports
 >       (let((new-import
 >          (nth i new-imports)))
 >      ;;Strip out those alreay there
 >      (when (not (find new-import existing-imports :test 'string=))
 >        (setq return-imports (nconc (list new-import)
 >                                    return-imports))))
 >       (setq i(+ i 1)))
 >     ;;Return any that still exist
 >     return-imports))
 > The comparison test 'string= should probably be changed to a test that
 > matches if:
 > - there is an exact string match, or
 > - if "packagename.*" is imported (but not if "packagename.subpackage.*"
 > is imported)
 > That should not be too hard to do with a regexp, I guess, but I am not
 > sure how to actually do it. Any elisp-literate people out there who can
 > solve it?

Hi Petter,

Try this:

(defun jde-import-strip-existing-imports (new-imports existing-imports)
  "Exclude classes that have already been imported."
    (lambda (new-import)
           :test (lambda (new existing)
                   (let ((new-package (jde-parse-get-package-from-name new))
                         (new-class (jde-parse-get-unqualified-name new))
                         (existing-package (jde-parse-get-package-from-name existing))
                         (existing-class (jde-parse-get-unqualified-name existing)))
                      (string= new-package existing-package)
                       (string= new-class existing-class)
                       (string= existing-class "*"))))))

- Paul

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