In principal you do the following:

1. Getting the class of current point
2. Introspection with java-code of this class

Here is your code

| (defun jde-introspect-javatype-at-point ()
|   (interactive)
|   (if (jde-open-functions-exist)
|       (let* ((thing-of-interest (thing-at-point 'symbol))
|              (pair (save-excursion (end-of-thing 'symbol)
|                                    (jde-parse-java-variable-at-point)))
|              (class-to-open (jde-open-get-class-to-open  ;; <-------- step 1.
|                              pair thing-of-interest))
|            )
|         (if (and class-to-open (stringp class-to-open))
|             (jde-introspect-javatype class-to-open)      ;; <-------- step 2.
|           (error "Can not parse the thing at point!")))
|     (message "You need JDE >= 2.2.6 and Senator for using this feature!")))

IMHO step 1. is enough and step 2 can be done much smarter with semantic
because this tool already offers all what we need for getting the contents of
a class!

I would do the following:

1. Getting the class C of current point like in your code.
2. Opening the file F which contains class C with find-file-noselect in a
   hidden buffer

      (set-buffer (find-file-noselect "file of class c"))

3. In this buffer just call `senator-parse' or `semantic-bovinate-toplevel'
   which return all tokens in this file. The library semantic-util.el offers a
   lot to display and bucketize these tokens in several manners (e.g. like in

      (set-buffer (find-file-noselect "file of class c"))
      (let ((tokens (senator-parse)))
        ;; do something with the tokens, e.g. display it in a special buffer
4. If you use ECB you can use its methods buffer to display the contents of
   class under point with the following short code:

      (set-buffer (find-file-noselect "file of class c"))
      (ecb-update-methods-buffer--internal 'scroll-to-begin)

   You do not need more code to display the methods and variables of class C
   under point in the methods-buffer of ECB!

IMHO this is much easier than using this somehow clumsy beanshell to
communicate between java and elisp. IMHO java/Beanshell is good to find out in
which file a class/method is defined, but the rest of the job can be done
very easy with semantic (and ECB if you like).

But do not misunderstand me: Your code is good and a really stringent
mechanism for code-completion/introspection/browsing etc.  is really needed in
JDEE. IMHO currently there are too many different mechanisms in JDEE to do
this things.


On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Sandip Chitale wrote:

>  To use :
>  1. unzip the attached zip at in the jde directory
>  2. Just put the following in your .emacs
>  (require 'jde-introspect)
>  Now put the point anywhere in Java buffer where you would
>  normally invoke jde-complete functions. Then type
>  (control c) (control v) (/) to see the java typeinfo
>  buffer.
>  For example:
>  With point in the 'System' below :
>  public class Foo {
>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>    System.out.println(args.length);
>   }
> }
>  here is what you get in a temp buffer. All the java class names are
>  hyperlinks (activated by
>  mouse or <RET> key).
>  class java.lang.System
>  /******************************************
>   * Constructors of class System
>   ******************************************/
>  private                       System()
>  /******************************************
>   * Methods of class System
>   ******************************************/
>  public static native          void arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int,
>  int)
>  public static native          int identityHashCode(Object)
>  public static                 void exit(int)
>  public static                 void runFinalizersOnExit(boolean)
>  private static                void initializeSystemClass()
>  public static                 String setProperty(String, String)
>  private static native         void registerNatives()
>  public static                 SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
>  static                        Class getCallerClass()
>  public static                 void loadLibrary(String)
>  public static                 String getProperty(String)
>  public static                 String getProperty(String, String)
>  public static native          String mapLibraryName(String)
>  public static                 void load(String)
>  public static                 void setIn(InputStream)
>  public static                 void setOut(PrintStream)
>  public static                 void setErr(PrintStream)
>  private static                void checkIO()
>  private static native         void setIn0(InputStream)
>  private static native         void setOut0(PrintStream)
>  private static native         void setErr0(PrintStream)
>  public static                 void setSecurityManager(SecurityManager)
>  private static synchronized   void setSecurityManager0(SecurityManager)
>  public static native          long currentTimeMillis()
>  private static native         Properties initProperties(Properties)
>  public static                 Properties getProperties()
>  public static                 void setProperties(Properties)
>  public static                 String getenv(String)
>  public static                 void gc()
>  public static                 void runFinalization()
>  private static                InputStream nullInputStream() throws
>  NullPointerException
>  private static                PrintStream nullPrintStream() throws
>  NullPointerException
>  /******************************************
>   * Fields of class System
>   ******************************************/
>  public final static           InputStream in 
>  public final static           PrintStream out 
>  public final static           PrintStream err 
>  private static                SecurityManager security 
>  private static                Properties props 

Klaus Berndl                    mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sd&m AG               
software design & management    
Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 München, Germany
Tel +49 89 63812-392, Fax -220

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