
When I use 'jde-import-find-and-import' in ECB with a compile window, the
prompt window that asks for clarification pops up in the compilation buffer. 
This is fine.  But then, it doesn't have an idea where to put the import
statement.  Is there a setting in JDE/ECB that I can tweak to correct this?

Recreate Problem:

1. emacs -q

2. setup loadpaths

3. load jde, ecb

3. find asdf.java

4. customize ecb-layout to use a compilation window.

5. ecb-activate.

6. With "adsf.java" in edit window, and focus in same window, do

7. Import "ParseException" class, choose any of the choices, click "ok"

8. Now the import statement is in my scratch buffer.



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