I've been trying to get the new xref stuff in JDEE to work.

When looking at the doc string for the variable jde-xref-store-prefixes
it says:
A list of what prefixes to put in the database.  A value of NIL
  indicates that to store everything (this will include which
  functions call java functions like println, etc.)  Otherwise, it is
  a list of prefixes such as: '("org" "jde"), to keep track of all
  references to classes that start with "org" or "jde".

So I thought I'll leave the variable set to NIL and all should be OK.
But (so far) I've only got results from (e.g.) jde-xref-display-call-tree
when jde-xref-store-prefixes is not NIL but set to the top level
directory in my package tree.

Is this a bug in the xref code or only in the doc string?

Christian Schmitt

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