Has there been any discussion/interest with the AspectJ folks about pulling
their JDE extensions into the "main" JDE distro?  I know they forked
something called "AJDE" a while back, but now that they're off in
eclipse-land, that's probably not a huge priority (I am speculating, with no
information either way).

In any event, I find myself writing aspectj code in emacs and wishing that
JDE groked the syntax and keywords.  Does anyone else feel my pain?

More productively, I'm curious to hear Paul's thoughts on how JDE should
(not) accomodate language extensions of this kind.  There've been a lot of
these over the years and JDE has wisely ignored most of them, but it's my
opinion that AspectJ is likely to survive longer than some of the
niche-extensions, like SQLJ.  Is it possible to shovel everything associated
with an extension of this kind into a minor mode?  I'm guessing it won't
work with semantic unless someone puts together a grammar for the bovinator,
but could keywords and indentation be done that way?

Apologies for the disconnected thoughts -- I'm not really sure what the
"right" thing to do is in this case.


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