On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 11:51:27 -0800 (PST), Paul Erion wrote:

> Oops, I don't really remember how I initially created "prj.el" -- it was a while 
> ago.  I
> just happened to be looking over my "~/.xemacs/custom.el" file and noticed that 
> variables
> that were being set in "prj.el" were also being (unexpectedly) set in "custom.el".  
> And
> deleting them (via editing) from "custom.el" did not make them go away (that is, the 
> code
> to set those variables kept reappearing).

*if* you want to edit custom.el, do it outside emacs (and when no emacs is
open). Usually its is a better idea to do 

M-x customize-variable your-variable

and then select "erase customization" (you should not have opened any
JDE-mode files while you do that so that you do not mess up any prj.el
files) to remove entries from your custom.el.



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