>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  >> I have thought of one occasion when this will work differently
  >> from as now. Possibly better, possibly worse.
  >> If you have just set a variable using customise, but not saved
  >> it, and then you switch projects, it will not get reset to its
  >> default. I think this is unlikely to be a problem. If you are
  >> working on two projects, and you customise a variable you
  >> generally save it straight away. Otherwise it gets reset as soon
  >> as you change project. I'm not sure this new behaviour is any
  >> better or worse than before therefore.

  Paul> Yes, this problem occurred to me after my previous post. The
  Paul> problem is worse because it can lead to corruption of project
  Paul> files. Suppose you have projects A and B open. Now suppose you
  Paul> customize variable X that still has its default value in both
  Paul> projects in a project A buffer and save A's project file. At
  Paul> this point, the list of dirty variables has still not been
  Paul> updated. Now, suppose you switch to project B and customize
  Paul> variable Y and save the project file. Now both X and Y will be
  Paul> stored in B's project file though you intended X to have its
  Paul> default value in project B.

  Paul> The only solution to this problem that I can see is to provide
  Paul> a custom-set function for JDEE variables that updates the
  Paul> dirty variable list whenever the user customizes a variable
  Paul> during a session. Since the custom-set function is also
  Paul> invoked by the defcustom macro to set the variable s default
  Paul> value, the JDEE's custom-set function would have to detect
  Paul> that it is being invoked by a defcustom macro and not update
  Paul> the dirty variable list. This change will require adding the
  Paul> set function to every defcustom form in the JDEE code base but
  Paul> is probably worth it.

I thought about this solution. It has the minor disadvantage that it
will not work for non JDE variables that use the JDE namespace to
piggy back into the project file mechanism. I seem to remember having
used this in the past when I wrote JDE add-on packages.

I think that there is a simpler solution though. Either modify the
function that generates the project file to add all of the variables
that its saved to the dirty-list. Or alternatively modify the
"save-project-file" functionality to immediately
load-project-file which will have the same effect. 

Alternatively you could just write a "defjdecustom" macro to add the
functionality to defcustom. Lars Unspellable does something similar in
Gnus with his deffoo macro. 



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