Thanks for your help

My version of jde is jde-2.3.2. I have nothing in my prj.el since I am setting all the options in the menus.

my source path is

[INS] [DEL] Path: ~/workspace/product/ota/src/
[INS] [DEL] Path: ~/workspace/product/axis/src/
[INS] [DEL] Path: ~/workspace/product/db/src/
[INS] [DEL] Path: ~/workspace/product/net/src/
[INS] [DEL] Path: ~/workspace/product/netsh/src/
[INS] [DEL] Path: ~/workspace/product/spine/src/
[INS] [DEL] Path: /data/JBoss-2.4.10_Tomcat-3.2.3/jboss/lib/ext/jboss.jar

the output from the bsh buffer is

cd /users/richard/workspace/product/ota/src/system/servlet/
/usr/java/jdk1.3.1_04/bin/java -classpath /usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/jde/java/bsh-commands:/usr/java/jdk1.3.1_04/lib/tools.jar:/opt/java/jakarta-ant-1.5/lib/ant.jar:/opt/java/jakarta-ant-1.5/lib/clover.jar:/opt/java/jakarta-ant-1.5/lib/genjar.jar:/opt/java/jakarta-ant-1.5/lib/junit.jar:/opt/java/jakarta-ant-1.5/lib/optional.jar:/opt/java/jakarta-ant-1.5/lib/xercesImpl.jar:/opt/java/jakarta-ant-1.5/lib/xml-apis.jar:/usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/jde/java/lib/checkstyle-all.jar:/usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/jde/java/lib/jakarta-regexp.jar:/usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/jde/java/lib/jde.jar:/usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/jde/java/lib/bsh.jar:/users/richard/workspace/product/ota/src/:/users/richard/workspace/product/axis/src/:/users/richard/workspace/product/db/src/:/users/richard/workspace/product/net/src/:/users/richard/workspace/product/netsh/src/:/users/richard/workspace/product/spine/src/ bsh.Interpreter

BeanShell 1.2.7 - by Pat Niemeyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
bsh %


Paul Landes wrote:

Auto completion uses bsh to do classpath lookups using
`jde-sourcepath'; are you setting this?

We don't have much to go on, can you please post your
prj.el, JDEE version (`jde-version') and any other
configuration, please.

Richard Martin writes:
> Hi
> > I have been using JDEE for a while but I cant get auto complete to work
> on my own classes. It says No completions available at this time. My
> entire project builds (with and without ant) so I
> must have my classpath setup correctly. Is there something else I need
> to set?
> > I noticed that there bsh-commands directory in my xemacs packages - do i
> need that or is that only present in later versions?
> > Thanks
> Richard

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