Jon Schewe writes:
 > On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 11:00, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
 > > The doc says this variable should only be set if you have a Microsoft
 > > Windows GUI app that does standard I/O (GUI Windows apps typically do
 > > not do standard I/O). It would seem to me that this variable should
 > > not be set to t unconditionally as the JDEE currently does. There
 > > should be some JDEE variable that would allow you to specify whether
 > > the app you are about to launch is an app of the appropriate type. At
 > The app here is defined as java or javaw, not the Java application being
 > written, so I suspect the current JDEE behavior is correct.
 > > any rate, the doc also says that this variable has no effect on
 > > Unix. Despite this, the facts that this variable affects process I/O
 > > under some circumstances and that the variable is only used by XEmacs
 > > seem to correlate strongly with the problem you are having. So I would
 > > suggest that you comment out the binding of this variable in the 
 > > save-w32-show-window macro in jde-run.el, recompile jde-run.el if 
 > > necessary, and see if that makes a difference.
 > I tried that and it doesn't help.  I even commented out the call to the
 > macro and evaluated the method again and still the same behavior.
 > I tried adding 2>&1 onto the end of my execution line and that doesn't
 > seem to help either.

I'm grasping at straws here but you could try adding 

(setq process-connection-type nil)

to your .emacs file. This variable is set to t by default on XEmacs.
If I understand the doc correctly, this tells XEmacs to use 
pseudo terminal (pty) commands to connect to the external process. 
I believe Java uses pipes for interprocess communications. Thus
if XEmacs is using pty and Java is expecting pipes, there could
be a problem.


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