Hi Abner,

Please upgrade to the latest JDEE (2.3.4). If the problem
persists, post a complete problem report.


Abner Ballardo Urco writes:
 > hi,
 > I have a problem, when I open a java file (C-x C-f file.java) jde starts
 > ok. I can see the classes,jde,java,jdb,senator menus, and the sintax
 > highlight works fine but when I open another file (C-x C-4 f or C-x C-5
 > f) I only see the jde,java,jdb menus and the sintax highlight doesn't
 > work. 
 > I was searching the web but I cannot find something to fix this, any
 > suggestions are welcome. I think it is something with emacs....
 > This is what I use:
 > Emacs 21.3+1-8
 > JDE 2.3.3-2
 > Debian Sarge
 > thanks,
 > P.D.: sorry for my bad english
 > -- 
 > Abner Ballardo Urco
 > ---------------------------------
 > "Un informatico es alguien que soluciona un problema que nunca creiste
 > tener de una manera que nunca entenderas" - Anonimo
 > ---------------------------------
 > Fingerprint: 1024D/450EDFF0:E928 1E16 C9E6 1F2F 4D2E  9E33 ADBF BE90
 > 450E DFF0

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