Wolfgang Pausch writes:
 > Hello,
 > I currently try to set up JDE 2.3.5 with emacs on a Debian-amd64-system with 
 > Java 1.5.
 > Installing was no problem, however I again run into problems when trying to 
 > execute run for my project. It simply says "wrong-type-argument stringp" (I 
 > have attached the backtrace).
 > I have looked a bit into the mentioned functions and noticed that 
 > jde-run-get-vm-args is a generic function with implementations for - if I 
 > read that right - Java 1.1 to Java 1.4.

The JDEE lisp code that supports the JDK is object-oriented in order
to allow reuse of code for earlier JDK versions in the code for later
versions. In particular, the lisp class for 1.5 inherits its methods,
including jde-run-get-vm-args, from the class for 1.5. I have not
yet gotten around to examining whether there are any vm arguments
particular to 1.5 that would require a 1.5-specific implementation
of jde-run-get-vm-args.

 > So does JDE support Java 1.5 at all at the moment? 

Yes, it supports the Java 1.4 features in 1.5. It does not support some
of the new syntactic features, such as generics and assertions.

 > (I already sent a problem-report to Paul about a similar problem several 
 > weeks 
 > ago, when I couldn't set jde-jdk to a 1.5-jdk for longer than the current 
 > session, but got no answer --- however, the current problem is a bit more 
 > annoying than the old one).

I have no recollection or record of receiving your email. I may have
missed it in all the junk I get, especially as over Christmas, always
a busy time personally, I was involved in a high priority project at work
 and was not able to winnow the email wheat from the chaff with as much
care as usual. Or your email may have triggered my employer's spam

Please, if I don't respond in a few days, send me another email.

 > If no, when can we expect that? Is there some workaround? How much code 
 > needs 
 > to be added in order to add support for running a 1.5 Java-VM?

I have 1.5 installed on my Windows XP machine and have no problems using it with
the JDEE.

The error trace that you sent indicates that the code is expecting a
string and is getting a list of strings. This suggests that you have
set a customization variable incorrectly.

Please submit a complete problem report so that I can see how you have 
the JDEE.


 > Thanks for answers,
 > Wolfgang
 > Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp 
 > ("~/Programmieren/CivQuest/civquest" 
 > "~/Programmieren/CivQuest/civquest/classes" "~/Programmieren/SwiFu/swifu" 
 > "~/Programmieren/SwiFu/swifu/classes"))
 >   jde-run-vm([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   apply(jde-run-vm [object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   eieio-generic-call(jde-run-classpath-arg ([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 
 > vm" "1.5" "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound 
 > "civquest.swing.CivQuest"]))
 >   jde-run-classpath-arg([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   jde-run-vm-1-4([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   apply(jde-run-vm-1-4 [object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   eieio-generic-call(jde-run-get-vm-args ([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 
 > vm" "1.5" "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound 
 > "civquest.swing.CivQuest"]))
 >   jde-run-get-vm-args([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   jde-run-vm([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   apply(jde-run-vm [object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   eieio-generic-call(jde-run-vm-launch ([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" 
 > "1.5" "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"]))
 >   jde-run-vm-launch([object jde-run-vm-1-5 "JDK 1.5 vm" "1.5" 
 > "/usr/local/lib/jdk1.5.0/bin/java" unbound "civquest.swing.CivQuest"])
 >   jde-run(1)
 > * call-interactively(jde-run)

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