Surendra Singhi writes:
 > Hello,
 >    I recently installed the latest version of jdee and I am using Xemacs 
 > 21.4.13/windows and I have cedet-1.0beta3b installed.
 > The problem is that whenever I open a *.java file the jde mode doesn't 
 > starts up and when I explicilty do "M-x jde-mode" I get the following 
 > error.
 > What is the problem and what should I do to get rid of it?

Did you remove the copy of the JDEE that comes with XEmacs from the XEmacs load 
path as specified in the JDEE installation instructions?

Please copy the contents of your messages buffer after trying to open a Java 
source file and post the contents to the JDEE mailing list.


 > Thanks in advance.
 > Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument extent-live-p 
 > #<destroyed extent>)
 >    semantic-overlay-end(#<destroyed extent>)
 >    (if (semantic-overlay-p o) (semantic-overlay-end o) (aref o 1))
 >    (let ((o ...)) (if (semantic-overlay-p o) (semantic-overlay-end o) 
 > (aref o 1)))
 >    semantic-tag-end(("Globals" type (:members (... ... ... ... ... ... 
 > ... ... ... ... ...) :type "class") (unlink-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-unlink-secondary-overlays) link-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-link-secondary-overlays)) #<destroyed extent>))
 >    (- (semantic-tag-end tag) (semantic-tag-start tag))
 >    (> (- (semantic-tag-end tag) (semantic-tag-start tag)) 150)
 >    (and (or (eq c ...) (and ... ...)) (> (- ... ...) 150) t)
 >    (let ((c ...)) (and (or ... ...) (> ... 150) t))
 >    semantic-tag-boundary-p-default(("Globals" type (:members (... ... 
 > ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :type "class") (unlink-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-unlink-secondary-overlays) link-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-link-secondary-overlays)) #<destroyed extent>))
 >    (if override (funcall override tag) (semantic-tag-boundary-p-default 
 > tag))
 >    (let ((override ...)) (if override (funcall override tag) 
 > (semantic-tag-boundary-p-default tag)))
 >    semantic-tag-boundary-p(("Globals" type (:members (... ... ... ... 
 > ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :type "class") (unlink-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-unlink-secondary-overlays) link-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-link-secondary-overlays)) #<destroyed extent>))
 >    funcall(semantic-tag-boundary-p ("Globals" type (:members (... ... 
 > ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) :type "class") (unlink-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-unlink-secondary-overlays) link-hook 
 > (semantic--tag-link-secondary-overlays)) #<destroyed extent>))
 >    (and (cdr style) (fboundp pred) (funcall pred tag) (fboundp high) 
 > (funcall high tag))
 >    (let ((pred ...) (high ...)) (and (cdr style) (fboundp pred) (funcall 
 > pred tag) (fboundp high) (funcall high tag)))
 >    (while --dolist-temp--81317 (setq style (car --dolist-temp--81317)) 
 > (let (... ...) (and ... ... ... ... ...)) (setq --dolist-temp--81317 
 > (cdr --dolist-temp--81317)))
 >    (let ((--dolist-temp--81317 semantic-decoration-styles) style) (while 
 > --dolist-temp--81317 (setq style ...) (let ... ...) (setq 
 > --dolist-temp--81317 ...)) nil)
 >    (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let (... style) (while 
 > --dolist-temp--81317 ... ... ...) nil))
 >    (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ... ... nil)))
 >    (block nil (let (... style) (while --dolist-temp--81317 ... ... ...) 
 > nil))
 >    (dolist (style semantic-decoration-styles) (let (... ...) (and ... 
 > ... ... ... ...)))
 >    (while --dolist-temp--81288 (setq tag (car --dolist-temp--81288)) 
 > (when (semantic-decorate-tag-decoration tag) (message "Decorations still 
 > on %s" ...) (semantic-decorate-clear-tag tag)) (dolist (style 
 > semantic-decoration-styles) (let ... ...)) 
 > (semantic-decorate-add-decorations 
 > (semantic-tag-components-with-overlays tag)) (setq --dolist-temp--81288 
 > (cdr --dolist-temp--81288)))
 >    (let ((--dolist-temp--81288 tag-list) tag) (while 
 > --dolist-temp--81288 (setq tag ...) (when ... ... ...) (dolist ... ...) 
 > (semantic-decorate-add-decorations ...) (setq --dolist-temp--81288 ...)) 
 > nil)
 >    (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let (... tag) (while 
 > --dolist-temp--81288 ... ... ... ... ...) nil))
 >    (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ... ... nil)))
 >    (block nil (let (... tag) (while --dolist-temp--81288 ... ... ... ... 
 > ...) nil))
 >    (dolist (tag tag-list) (when (semantic-decorate-tag-decoration tag) 
 > (message "Decorations still on %s" ...) (semantic-decorate-clear-tag 
 > tag)) (dolist (style semantic-decoration-styles) (let ... ...)) 
 > (semantic-decorate-add-decorations 
 > (semantic-tag-components-with-overlays tag)))
 >    semantic-decorate-add-decorations((("weka.classifiers.Classifier" 
 > include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) ("weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk" 
 > include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) ("weka.classifiers.rules.Ridor" 
 > include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) ("weka.classifiers.trees.*" include 
 > nil nil #<destroyed extent>) ("weka.core.*" include nil nil #<destroyed 
 > extent>) ("weka.classifiers.*" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("weka.classifiers.meta.*" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("weka.classifiers.bayes.*" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("weka.classifiers.functions.*" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) 
 > ("java.util.*" include nil nil #<destroyed extent>) ("Globals" type 
 > (:members ... :type "class") (unlink-hook ... link-hook ...) #<destroyed 
 > extent>) ("PDBL" type (:members ... :type "class") (unlink-hook ... 
 > link-hook ...) #<destroyed extent>)))
 >    (if (not (and ... ...)) (progn (setq semantic-decoration-mode nil) 
 > (error "Buffer %s was not set up for parsing" ...)) 
 > (semantic-make-local-hook (quote 
 > semantic-after-partial-cache-change-hook)) (add-hook (quote 
 > semantic-after-partial-cache-change-hook) (quote 
 > semantic-decorate-tags-after-partial-reparse) nil t) 
 > (semantic-make-local-hook (quote 
 > semantic-after-toplevel-cache-change-hook)) (add-hook (quote 
 > semantic-after-toplevel-cache-change-hook) (quote 
 > semantic-decorate-tags-after-full-reparse) nil t) 
 > (semantic-decorate-add-decorations (semantic-fetch-available-tags)))
 >    (if semantic-decoration-mode (if (not ...) (progn ... ...) 
 > (semantic-make-local-hook ...) (add-hook ... ... nil t) 
 > (semantic-make-local-hook ...) (add-hook ... ... nil t) 
 > (semantic-decorate-add-decorations ...)) 
 > (semantic-decorate-clear-decorations (semantic-fetch-available-tags)) 
 > (semantic-decorate-flush-decorations) (remove-hook (quote 
 > semantic-after-partial-cache-change-hook) (quote 
 > semantic-decorate-tags-after-partial-reparse) t) (remove-hook (quote 
 > semantic-after-toplevel-cache-change-hook) (quote 
 > semantic-decorate-tags-after-full-reparse) t))
 >    semantic-decoration-mode-setup()
 >    semantic-decoration-mode()
 >    run-hooks(semantic-decoration-mode)
 >    (progn (semantic-clear-toplevel-cache) (semantic-lex-init) 
 > (semantic-parse-tree-set-needs-rebuild) (setq 
 > semantic-new-buffer-fcn-was-run t) (run-hooks (quote 
 > semantic-init-db-hooks)) (run-hooks (quote semantic-init-hooks)))
 >    (if (and semantic--parse-table (not ...) (not ...)) (progn 
 > (semantic-clear-toplevel-cache) (semantic-lex-init) 
 > (semantic-parse-tree-set-needs-rebuild) (setq 
 > semantic-new-buffer-fcn-was-run t) (run-hooks ...) (run-hooks ...)))
 >    (when (and semantic--parse-table (not ...) (not ...)) 
 > (semantic-clear-toplevel-cache) (semantic-lex-init) 
 > (semantic-parse-tree-set-needs-rebuild) (setq 
 > semantic-new-buffer-fcn-was-run t) (run-hooks (quote 
 > semantic-init-db-hooks)) (run-hooks (quote semantic-init-hooks)))
 >    semantic-new-buffer-fcn()
 >    run-hooks(semantic-new-buffer-fcn)
 >    (lambda nil (activate-mode-local-bindings) (run-hooks (quote 
 > mode-local-init-hook)))()
 >    funcall((lambda nil (activate-mode-local-bindings) (run-hooks (quote 
 > mode-local-init-hook))))
 >    (if (or (not predicate) (funcall predicate)) (funcall function))
 >    (when (or (not predicate) (funcall predicate)) (funcall function))
 >    (save-current-buffer (set-buffer b) (when (or ... ...) (funcall 
 > function)))
 >    (with-current-buffer b (when (or ... ...) (funcall function)))
 >    (and (buffer-live-p b) (buffer-file-name b) (with-current-buffer b 
 > (when ... ...)))
 >    (while --dolist-temp--81286 (setq b (car --dolist-temp--81286)) (and 
 > (buffer-live-p b) (buffer-file-name b) (with-current-buffer b ...)) 
 > (setq --dolist-temp--81286 (cdr --dolist-temp--81286)))
 >    (let ((--dolist-temp--81286 ...) b) (while --dolist-temp--81286 (setq 
 > b ...) (and ... ... ...) (setq --dolist-temp--81286 ...)) nil)
 >    (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let (... b) (while 
 > --dolist-temp--81286 ... ... ...) nil))
 >    (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ... ... nil)))
 >    (block nil (let (... b) (while --dolist-temp--81286 ... ... ...) nil))
 >    (dolist (b (or buffers ...)) (and (buffer-live-p b) (buffer-file-name 
 > b) (with-current-buffer b ...)))
 >    mode-local-map-file-buffers((lambda nil 
 > (activate-mode-local-bindings) (run-hooks (quote mode-local-init-hook))) 
 > (lambda nil (not (mode-local-initialized-p))) (#<buffer "">))
 >    (let ((buffers mode-local-changed-mode-buffers)) (setq 
 > mode-local-changed-mode-buffers nil) (mode-local-map-file-buffers 
 > (function ...) (function ...) buffers))
 >    mode-local-post-major-mode-change()
 > -- 
 > Surendra Singhi

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