
I decided to use nqmacs to take advantage of the new emacs features it
provides.  Since it does not work with jdee 2.3.4beta5 that I was
using, I also upgraded jdee to 2.3.5.  After this, jdee behaves quite
differently.  To name a few,

1) I noticed that jdb menu was not in the menu bar anymore.  I
installed jde-usage and it was not there either.  Functions are still
defined as I can still use them but...

2) I have an entry in my .emacs to add my own style, something like
indenting only by 2 characters, etc.  It does not work any more. It
seems that all are default values.  What I do is (add-hook
'jde-mode-hook 'my-jde-mode-hook).

3) The key binding for jdee is not longer there.  For example, C-c C-v
Cy would bring me to the definition of a method/class/variable.  No
more.  However, things like jde-open-class-source would work if I
execute it from M-x.

While I can easily switch back to the old setup, the new emacs is just
too attractive to give up.  Anybody has the same experiences? Any help
would be appreciated.



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