My system doesn't lock up when it shows the "Update Tag Table"
message, but it does make hovering over flymake errors impossible to
read because the update message always
whacks it.

I don't want to disable or delay the idle-scheduler, but would be nice
not to show the
update message.

On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 15:03:39 -0500, Eric M. Ludlam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Joseph Shraibman <> seems to think that:
> >I am being driven mad by these "Update Tag Table" messages that semantic
> >is giving me.  Whenever this happens emacs freezes on me for a few
> >seconds.  How can I turn this off?
> >
> You can either increase the idle time via
> semantic-idle-scheduler-idle-time or you can disable
> global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode.
> The advantage of the idle scheduler is that it provides tag summaries
> and some completion features.  The disadvantage is the amount of time
> it may take to parse a file.  If you don't use those, you can postpone
> tag updates till you request some action from semantic via some other
> mechanism.
> It is supposed to be possible to interrupt the incremental parsing
> mechanism by just pressing a key.  It is unclear to me why this would
> not work for you.  There are atomic operations that it doesn't work
> in, but I thought those were all pretty short.
> Eric
> --
>           Eric Ludlam:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Home:            Siege:
> Emacs:               GNU:

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