Ping Liang writes:
 > > there is no dialog associated with these options so I'm a bit puzzled by 
 > > your
 > > description of your problem.
 > One of the things I noticed when I first used the latest nqmacs build
 > is that it pops up with the dialog when I do File->New File... or
 > File->Open File...  Why wouldn't/shouldn't  jdee pop up a dialog when
 > it is prompting the user for file names?  I think this is a good thing
 > (too bad jdee does not work with it). You may not have explicitly
 > programmed this; maybe you implicitly turn that feature off in your
 > environment?

I have use-dialog-box set to nil usually. I set it to t to verify
the problem you reported the other night and still did not get the
dialog box on nqmacs. I tried again this evening and this time
I do get the dialog box and the problem you reported. However, the
problem is not in the JDEE but in nqmacs. The JDEE uses a standard
Emacs Lisp feature, the (interactive Dprompt) option, to prompt the
user for the directory in which to store the project file. I verified
that even when use-dialog-box is turned on in a previous verion, 
this option does not display a dialog box. Apparently, the Emacs
developers decided to update the (interactive Dprompt) option to
use the dialog box but did not check to ensure that it actually works.
I will report this bug.

 > > may I suggest that it is not the best strategy to
 > > try to learn to use the JDEE with a developmental version of
 > > Emacs.
 > This is exactly the reason why I only recently upgraded to nqmacs from
 > the gnu production windows build, after "learning" jdee everyday for
 > several years. I have no choice. The combination of all dependancies
 > of jdee including gnu emacs windows build itself is relatively buggy. 
 > Things wouldn't work after a while, like a busy half of a day; I have
 > to restart emacs to make things work again.  (I thought this trick is
 > needed only for Windows.)  Besides, there are good features in nqmacs,
 > including things outside of jdee. Also, I only tried this for around a
 > week and I feel that it is more stable already.
 > By the way, I am always wondering how big a project jdee can handle. 
 > I wouldn't think a couple of thousand of java class files and half
 > dozen projects to switch in between would be a big deal for
 > emacs/jdee, but it seems to show limitation already.

What limitations?  

 > When I test with
 > jdee, I use some dummy class files and one simple project file, it
 > almost always works (except the dialog thing above, of course).
 > > In fact, some incompatibilities have already surfaced.
 > I think I just posted one of these problems a couple of days ago (it
 > has to do with jde-run-option-classpath), so this is not new to me. I
 > don't think I can affort to wait for the announcement that everything
 > is OK before I use it.  Emacs is the only thing I use, for java or
 > else.  As long as the bugs (or imcompatibilities) are not impacting my
 > productivity so much as to miss the deadlines, I don't a problem with
 > it.
 > > A very bad idea.
 > For better or worse, it sometimes was the only way I can put a prj.el
 > in the directory I wanted. I don't have much of problem with emacs'
 > customization feature per se. I will try to adjust my habit a bit in
 > the future.

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