On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 17:51:51 +0300
"Alexandru NOVAC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've just downloaded version 1.4 of the jabber server and I tryed to
> installed on a linux server on my network ... I really liked the ideea
> behind this IM so I'm really interested in using it...
> However I had a problem when trying to connect with a client ( I've
tryed 2
> clients and got the same result ... ) to my server .. I'm hoping that
> encountered this problem before and maybe you can help me out here
with a
> little advice..
> Whenever I try to connect with a client to the server I get the
> message in the server's error.log file:
> bouncing a routed packet to gigi@myserver/Toon from 11@c2s/8128ea8


Verifica sa ai DNS-ul in ordine, pentru ca jabberd e pretentios la
chestia asta.

Pentru tipul asta de intrebare este mai potrivita lista
[EMAIL PROTECTED], acolo ai mai multe sanse sa capeti ajutor.

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Phone +4093-267961

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