Hi there ...

I am trying to develop a client using the JabberCOM
lib with BC++Builder (using v. 4.0). I have looked
around at jdev mail list and couldn't find an answer
there. I would like to know if someone can help me.

I am new to COM programming, but managed to register
the DLL, generate .cpp and .h files from the .tlb
file, and compile a simple application without errors
(assign values to server, username, password,
resource, priority and useSSL attributes, and calling
DoConnect, and DoDisconnect methods).

The problems starts at run time, when calling the
DoConnect method, it just send the initial
<stream:stream ...> tag to the server, but rests there
.. it doesn't continue with the authentication of the
user. I can see this because I am also running a local
Jabber Server v1.4 in debug mode.

After that, I made a call to the DoDisconnect method
and close the application, but I receive the following
message "This program has performed an illegal
operation and will be shut down". I also noticed that
the socket connection is still open after sending the
DoDisconnect(true) method., because I am able to send
it several times and the server is still receiving

Finally, I have not been able to use the OnXML or
other event handlers. I don't know if I am missing

I hope you can help me.

Best Regards


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