On 08 Aug 2001 11:45:56 -0500, Thomas Muldowney wrote:
> I guess that's a possiblity (your guess at the bottom).  Also, do you check
> for bounces?  Some of them could be doing that for one reason or another?

re: bad XML parsing

I had someone scan the code and it looks good. I don't think the problem
is mine.

re: bounces

Bounces? Maybe, but I don't see how. My test programs send from user A
to user B, and I always know who user B is since it's hardcoded into the
testing applications (more or less). 

The code is pretty short: msgloadsnd and msgloadrec are each about 500
lines of code, excluding some outside code they rely on. Want to take a

It is always possible I did something stupid.

Regards, Dustin

> --temas
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 01:29:52PM -0500, Dustin Puryear wrote:
> > I am trying to determine why messages appear to be dropped when jabberd 
> > is under a heavy load. I'm not sure if it's my code or jabberd, so I'm 
> > looking for ideas.
> > 
> > I have multiple user pairs, where each pair is composed of a sending 
> > client A and receiving client B. Under a high load not all messages sent 
> > from A appear to arrive at B. I find this odd because I would think that 
> > the delivery time would be the only thing affected under high load, not 
> > actual message delivery. Thus, I suspect my code, but can't rule out 
> > jabberd.
> > 
> > Following are Jabber Test Suite results generating my concern, and then 
> > a review of what is going on:
> > 
> > UserPs Rate  Duration MinDelTime MaxDelTime AvgDelTime MsgCnt ExpMsg 
> > MsgLossRate
> > 10     1     60       0.00310    0.10796    0.00471    600    600    0.00000
> > 20     1     60       0.00484    0.15478    0.00930    1200   1200   0.00000
> > 30     1     60       0.00668    0.16320    0.01948    1800   1800   0.00000
> > 40     1     60       0.00844    0.17075    0.02729    2400   2400   0.00000
> > 50     1     60       0.01026    0.21504    0.04267    3000   3000   0.00000
> > 60     1     60       0.00608    0.21595    0.05980    3600   3600   0.00000
> > 70     1     60       0.00532    0.36635    0.05474    4200   4200   0.00000
> > 80     1     60       0.01197    0.19757    0.03924    4800   4800   0.00000
> > 90     1     60       0.00984    0.23845    0.04508    5400   5400   0.00000
> > 100    1     60       0.00233    0.33065    0.06156    6000   6000   0.00000
> > 110    1     60       0.00326    0.48642    0.05514    6600   6600   0.00000
> > 120    1     60       0.00518    6.02132    0.07296    6960   7200   0.03333
> > 130    1     60       0.00900    6.10875    0.10111    7380   7800   0.05385
> > 140    1     60       0.01031    5.98667    0.09968    7980   8400   0.05000
> > 150    1     60       0.01358    6.16324    0.10493    7980   9000   0.11333
> > 160    1     60       0.01539    6.23972    0.14795    8280   9600   0.13750
> > 
> > Notice that at >= 120 user pairs (240 connected users), which equates to 
> > 120 msg/sec in this test, my message loss rate varies from 3% to 13%. 
> > The average delivery also climbs to .14 seconds, but I don't consider 
> > that a problem. (However, the worst case delivery times are bad: > 6 
> > seconds for 150 and 160 user pairs.)
> > 
> > There are only two places that I feel messages could be getting lost: in 
> > jabberd and in msgloadrec, the receiving client. If it's in jabberd then 
> > I have to wonder why this is happening. If in msgloadrec, I'm also a bit 
> > bewildered.
> > 
> > Perhaps I am not handling my XML parsing correctly with expat? My XML 
> > character data handler is:
> > 
> > void char_data_hdlr(void *userdata, const XML_Char *s, int len)
> > {
> >     user_data_t *ud = userdata;
> >     char buf[MAX_XML_BUFSZ+1];
> >     struct timeval tv;
> >     reply_data_t *reply;
> >     int id;
> > 
> >     memcpy(buf, s, len);
> >     buf[len] = '\0';
> >     DPRINT("found message: %s\n", buf);
> > 
> >     /* scan for our start times at the beginning of the message */
> >     if (sscanf(buf, " %d %ld %ld ",
> >             &id, &(tv.tv_sec), &(tv.tv_usec)) == 3)
> >     {
> >             reply = malloc(sizeof(reply_data_t));
> >             if (reply == NULL)
> >             {
> >                     perror("malloc()");
> >                     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
> >             }
> > 
> >             DPRINT("char_data_hdlr(): adding buf = %s with sec = %ld and usec = 
> >                             buf, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
> > 
> >             reply->begin.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
> >             reply->begin.tv_usec = tv.tv_usec;
> >             reply->id = id;
> >             list_add(&(ud->reply_list), (void *) reply);
> >     }
> > }
> > 
> > All character data has the form: "decimal float float". Hmm, should I 
> > not be assuming that I will get the entire character data at once? 
> > Perhaps it is being split across multiple invocations of 
> > char_data_hdlr() by expat? Any ideas?
> > 
> > Regards, Dustin
> > 
> > -- 
> > Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > http://members.telocity.com/~dpuryear
> > In the beginning the Universe was created.
> > This has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams
> > 
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Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In the beginning the Universe was created. 
This has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

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