On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 01:35:03PM -0400, Rahul Dave wrote:
> Here's Jabber Weekly News Issue 1. Please complain, correct, update. I will
> send it out to news sources and create a RSS channel for it after the
> meeting today, presuming we are having one, are we?
> Rahul

Nice one, Rahul

> DJ Adams announced the Jabber HTTP Gateway 
> (http://www.pipetree.com/jabber/jrpc/httpgate/httpgate.html) which builds on
> the Jabber-RPC Spec. This spec can be found in the Jabber RPC folder of the new
> jabnews site: http://jabnews.manilasites.com/directory/20.

There are actually two things related to Jabber-RPC:

- Jabber::RPC

  this is an implementation of the Jabber-RPC formalisation, in 
  Perl, that provides client and server stubs with which you can
  write Jabber-RPC requesters (in the form of Jabber clients) and
  Jabber-RPC responders (in the form of Jabber clients or Jabber


- Jabber::RPC::HTTPgate

  this is a separately installable module that complements Jabber::RPC
  and provides a two-way gateway between the Jabber-based and HTTP-based
  XML-RPC worlds. It allows Jabber-based requesters (i.e. Jabber-RPC
  clients) to call HTTP-based responders (i.e. 'traditional' XML-RPC
  web-server-based servers), and HTTP-based requesters (i.e. 
  'traditional' XML-RPC clients) to call Jabber-based responders (i.e.
  Jabber-RPC servers).


I think that JabNews is becoming the 'public view' of Jabber activity -
maybe it's worth having a quick word with Dizzyd about content coordination?


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