On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 07:55:31AM +0000, DJ Adams wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 06:07:01PM +1100, Robert Norris wrote:
> > > > 3. Hack JID rewriting stuff into the JSM, so that any to/from attributes
> > > >    get rewritten to what I want them to be.
> > > 
> > > It already does this, in the <pthcsock> element in the c2s config just
> > > add:
> > >   <alias to="server.name"/>
> > > 
> > > It's ugly, but it does all the magic to/from replacing so that things work
> > > just like you want :)  The above is the "default" one, you can also have
> > > multiple <alias to="real.server">what.client.uses</alias> in there.
> > 
> > That's interesting to know. It's pretty disgusting (as most hacks of
> > this type are), and it still has the problem that the client thinks its
> > JID is one thing while the rest of the network knows it as something
> Yes. This is the problem with <alias/> - it wasn't very well known early
> on in the stages of client development, so it wasn't implemented (AFAIK)
> as widely as one would have liked. (I am just as guilty - sjabber was 
> written before I knew much about the full server config options).

This is exactly the implementation that I independently figured out last
week (independently because I hadn't been keeping up on JDEV email); we've
got our server name set to example.com and an "alias to" to put in the
real.name.example.com which is the full A name of the server.  Gabber is
set to connect to login to real.name.example.com and JIDs now can be
specified as [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Using an SRV record to locate the real name
would be better, but this really isn't too bad, and we haven't noticed any
confusion in the client.

Incidentally, we've also got an "alias to" to "localhost" so people can
do SSH port forwarding to the jabber server; they forward port 5223 on
the server to localhost port 5223 and specify localhost as their server.

- Dave Dykstra
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