On Sat, Mar 16, 2002 at 02:46:43AM +0530, Gunjan Kakani wrote:
> Hi,
> I was experimenting with the Perl Headline Delivery script written by DJ Adams, from 
>"Fun with Jabber" articles.
> But the script when executed gives error as following...
> "Can't use string("3C924DDA") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at 
>/usr/lib/perl5/...../Jabber.pm line 588."
> I checked with the changes made in the Net::Jabber module since this script was 
>written, but those changes could not solve this problem, since this problem occures 
>in sending the presence at $Connection->PresenceSend() method. If I uncomment this 
>method and produce the log, its working perfect, just that is is not sending messages 
>to subscribers, since they dont know the presence of the headline deliverer.

Hello Gunjan

This is a well-known (well, I thought so :-) problem due to how Net::Jabber
has changed over the course of releases (for the better, of course).
The significant release change was, as Piers has already correctly pointed
out (thanks dude :-), from 1.0020 to 1.0021, where a new value is passed
first to all callbacks.

I wrote an article last year [1] which explains what's going on - please
let know if you have any questions about it.

Just now, to test, I downloaded the headline script from the article's
page [2], made the (one-word) change as described in the article, and it
solved the problem.  


[1] http://www.pipetree.com/jabber/nj10021.html
[2] http://www.pipetree.com/jabber/headlines.html

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