> Okay, now before you read my response to a previous message (which
> answers all your concerns), can anybody come up with any more problems
> with the HTML IMG tag approach?  That was certainly a rather major salvo
> of bashing you folks put up ;-P

>  - Dave

It's just way more complicated then it needs to be. It creates
security problems which the rest of Jabber has been designed to
prevent. And it requires people to upload emoticons they want to use
or rely on sort of central store.

All an emoticon system needs to do is replace certain pieces of text
(such as ":)") with brightly colored friendly little graphics, why
add a requirement for each client to have to connect to a web site and
download them for each message?

IMHO, no extra protocol enhancements are needed, although it would
possibly be useful to define a standard set (I'm not really convinced
even this is needed but it wouldn't hurt).

Also, as has already been mentioned, most clients will probably want
to provide they're own emoticon graphics which fit in with the rest of
the UI.

Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
ICQ: 26359483

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