> Just some thoughts.

> It could be time for the jabber community to define an "official" way 
> file sharing should be done. I don't say here that it should be written 
> by jabber folks, or that it should be part of the jabber server, but 
> having a implementation reference could help. For instance, using webdav 
> is a very good idea, but, if this solution is choosen, it should be said 
> somewhere that's the way jabber clients and transports should/could do 
> file sharing. But more than that, an implementation of webdav (webdav is 
> only a protocol after all) could become the, once again, "official" file 
> sharing solution,

> Once it's settled, it will be easier for everybody to support that 
> feature and will lead, I'm sure, to a quick integration into the 
> clients, transports and even, I hope, the jabber server, at least for 
> the installation and configuration. I know that taking such kind of 
> decision is not really the way the open-source community is working, 
> more often a de-facto standard emerges by itself, but I could make 
> thinks so easier.

> my 2 cents

> Philippe

> PS: sorry for my english (et merde, ou est ce putain de dictionnaire?)

Currently with jabber:iq:oob
it doesn't matter to the receiving client whether the sending client
is using WebDAV, a built in HTTP server, or even just pointing to a
file hosted elsewhere, all it sees is an http url to download from...

Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
ICQ: 26359483

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