It s seems a very overloaded way to get only a number, espacially if you get
10000 current users (I dream :) even on the same server that Jabberd.
I found this way, but it do not make me happy.


David 'TheRaven' Chisnall a écrit :

> Browsing servername/admin gives you a list of online users, which you
> can just enumerate.  If you're concerned about the bandwidth
> implications of this, you could write a very simple component which
> would live locally and get the list, and send on the number.
> Sylvain Roberdeau wrote:
> >HI,
> >
> >    I'm looking for a way to get current number of connected users for a
> >stat service and RRD Tools.
> >    First, I thought that an admin command  or an jabberd module exist.
> >
> >    Before create a specific module, I would like to know if there is an
> >existing way to do that.
> >
> >    Thanks for the anwser
> >
> >Sylvain
> >
> >
> >
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