On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 10:08:26PM +0100, Philippe Raxhon wrote:
> Is somebody going to give a presentation? The schedule 
> (http://www.fosdem.org/index/schedule) is not yet complete, it's perhaps 
> not too late (but DJ Adams already gave a very good, and offical, 
> presentation last year, why not go a little bit further this year and 
> talk about jabberd2).

I read the mailinglists of fosdem, and the slots are full. No more room
for new talks, unfortunately. But maybe there's a chance when we get

Just like stpeter said, we need to focus on FOSDEM 2004. Be there with
a crowd, give presentations and do general promotion. As far as I know this
is the only general developers conference in Europe, so we just have to
be there.

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