Mike Prince wrote:

I've included the patched xdb_file for those stuck in 1.4.2 land and are
so inclined.  To use the patch just drop in it and compile.  It WILL NOT
reorg your existing file store (you'll have to write a script to move
the files around).  The new directory is arranged as
./spool/hostname/m/me/mike.xml where the first fanout directory under
hostname is the first character of the username, and the second fanout
directory is the first and the last characters of the username.  Pretty

Great, though a diff would be perferable - in case one has other changes in the xdb_file.c!

Here's a little one-liner shell script you can use to re-arrange all the data files in your spool directory. It should be run from the spool directory (ie. "cd /var/spool/jabber" or wherever).

ls *.xml | perl -n -e 'chomp; /^(.)(.)/; mkdir $1 unless -d $1;
mkdir "$1/$1$2\n" unless -d "$1/$1$2"; rename $_, "$1/$1$2/$_";'

To "undo" you can simply swap the order of the arguments to rename.


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