> I can see that muc is connecting to jabberd2 and when it sends this:
> <iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='get' to='conference_linker'
> from='interlogical.com'><query
> xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/></iq>
>  it gets this error:
> <iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='error' to='interlogical.com'
> from='conference_linker'><query
> xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/><error code='502'>Circular
> Reference Detected</error></iq>
> I can't figure it out...

You haven't added an alias to router.xml for the uplink. Have a look at
the example config listed there.


Robert Norris                                       GPG: 1024D/FC18E6C2
Email+Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                Web: http://cataclysm.cx/

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