On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 16:52, Joanne wrote:
> "Peter Millard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > (1) message queuing/processing
> > [SNIP]
> > As stpeter already mentioned, JEP-013 solves this initial message flood, but
> > isn't availble out of the box in either jabberd2 or jabberd 1.4.3. Once you send
> > presence, ALL offline messages will get sent to that client. If your "client"
> > application blocks + processes, thats fine, but it does mean that the server
> > will "assume" that the messages are delivered even if it takes a while for your
> > app to process them.
> If JEP-0013 is not supported out of the box in jabberd 1.4.3 or jabberd2, then I'm 
> still at square 1. Also, JEP-0013 only addresses the message flooding issue when it 
> comes to offline messages. Ideally, I'd like to be able to perform this POP-like 
> request/retrieval on all messages destined for my client regardless of whether the 
> message is in the offline store. At this point, I don't know how else to get jabber 
> to behave the way I want without "reinventing the wheel" and implementing my own 
> queuing mechanism within a custom jabber component. I'm not too happy about it at 
> all.

The whole point of Jabber is decidedly *not* store-and-forward, it is
immediate delivery. If you need POP, maybe implement all this using a
mail server.


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