
there is another thing, which got me hooked. It is open for commercial as non-commercial use.

I work in a team of 20 developers and got us set up with the Yahoo Messenger some time ago. And apart from the Yahoo Messenger being crap (messages are sometimes delivered after hours) somebody on the project raised that one of their clauses in the terms of usage might say that we are not allowed to use it in a commercial environment.

I double-checked and didn't read it that way, but it might very well be. As we are from a major consultancy and can't risk using unlicensed software and the client we are working for on-site is not really into this "new kind of stuff", so that we couldn't have asked for a pruchase of some commercial license.

We got rid of the Yahoo Messenger and set up our own Jabber server with team chat rooms. And now things work like a breeze and we can chose from a variety of different clients.

Oh, and btw. it was so nice to build a simple chat bot with a couple of lines of code that still entertained us enormously ;-)

Well, just to justify that the last point is not only funny. Because it is so effortles to work with jabber (just a handfull of lines of code to send messages) our automated tasks, e.g. our automatic build results, now report directly to the chat room instead of sending a message by email. This is a very good thing as you can just ignore the messages when the server is going to go down if you don't need and it won't waste your mail account so. As our team head count is due to (a lack of) planning is constantly reduced and increased, it was a real pain to change all the scripts every time somebody new came on board, read didn't happen every time, was often asymetric. Nowadays new guys just register themselves at our server and they are all setup to get the relevant messages.

As it is so open, the barries are so low and there are already pre-built components, I am currently working on building a Jabber client for our favorite IDE (eclipse).

What I see as a downside is that I haven't been able to get my hands on a very simple Jabber Server written in Java that you can run embedded for automated tests. It's also a bit of a pain to setup jabberd, but this are luxury problems, as with for example the Yahoo Messenger you wouldn't have the choice to setup your own server.

It would be interesting to know what you're up to ...


Justin Karneges wrote:

On Thursday 15 April 2004 7:51 am, Vasuprada Kodati wrote:

 hello all,
let me know the advantages and disadvantages of jabber over other IMs

For IM?

  Many clients to choose from, all no less official than another
  Distributed architecture (if one server goes down, the rest keep going)
  Secure (encryption available, run your own private server, etc)
  Limitless expansion (many neat things are possible with Jabber these days)
  Better multi-user conferencing than IRC

  Not well known, not as many users
  Slow development (most Jabber efforts have limited funding)
  File transfer not widely implemented
  No audio/video integration standard (ie, voicechat)
  Nothing available analogous to http://www.icq.com/
  Many fringe features found in the Big 4 are not yet in any Jabber client

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