Phil Wilson wrote:
So that's a no then. :)

Are there any native C++ client libraries for Windows?

Depends on what you mean by 'native'. If you mean it was designed and implemented to run only on windows, then I am not aware of any. However, if you mean that it is windows compatible, i.e. builds and runs on windows, then there are a few.

jabberoo, , this is from gabber project and is c++. Since it is based on gtk+ it will compile and work on win32 platforms.

OpenAether, , this is my project and it works on *nix, osX and win32. It uses apr for platform portability and xerces-c for sax and dom.

psi is working on separating out the xmpp impl into a lib called iris, which is written in c++ depending on qtlib.

Either one of these should work for you.

I seem to remember there being a lot more to choose from... are there any c++ win32 libs that I am forgetting about?

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